Thank you for your kindness !

 In this time,many people save , work , arrange for me by finding out and introduce the friends in USA .

Well, I had decided my schedule in USA on Octorber somehow, oweing to below the many friends and the persons concerned.

A . I & T . S in Nagoya K . N in SAPPORO
S . Y in Cedars Sinai Hospital M . O in Mie
Keith Higa in LosAngels S . T in Fujitsu
Kathy SUGAI in Honolulu A . O in Tokyo
TED DOMURAT in Honolulu S . K in Melborn
Winnie.Ladyman in Noksvills Jay Suarez in UCLA
Jiann-long Wu in SanFrancisco Henry VanBrocklin in UC Verkley
T . S in Nishinomiya S . N in Hamamatu
E.K in China T . N in England

I say again "Thank you so much,Everybody". my pleasure is beyond discription.

After the long travel ,Maybe I will become to be a great person and to acquire serevral infomations and technology and experience.

Please wait for a few months,and be looking foward to my USA reports.

Thank you

(Hawaiian language)