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Geocities Japan Archive

Welcome to the Geocities Japan Archive! ジオシティーズ ジャパン アーカイブへようこそ。

Just two guys that met in Uni over their love for Japanese cigarettes-- working to archive and restore Geocities Japan.

This is a recreation of the Geocities Japan based on archival efforts to revive the American version of Geocities. Due to the use of old school, pre-unicode Shift_JIS by Japanese web makers some of the sites may be broken. This is simply a test repository before the entire 4 terabytes of data is uploaded. We hope to add multi-langugage functionality for pages, and fix older Japanese text encodings so that the sites can work with modern browsers.

The archive will also serve as a way for me to learn Front-end development along with various other archival methods.

Under Construction

Everything lmao.

Under Construction geocities internet archive gif

Test hyperlinks and folder structure

Test website anchor tag.

Converting weird Japanese encodings to UTF-8 using the iconv command seems to have worked. iconv -verbose -f EUC-JP -t UTF-8 index(1).html

Now need to make a bash script or some python mane to just go through all the html files and convert them to UTF-8.

Test website in regards to Shift_JIS.

List of Things to Do Now

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