'Pray for Japan'

This is a support website of Pray for Japan to facilitate understanding of the project to English speaking teachers.

Arigato for visiting.
All the school links used to be on this page are now on Pray for Japan.

A devastating earthquake hit north-eastern Japan on March 11, 2011.
The earthquake was Magnitude 9.0, the worst recorded in Japanese history.
Over 20,000 people were victims.

Thank you for your kind thoughts for Japan and participation in this project.

Gambare, Japan!

Since March 14, 2011

Dear teachers,
Please join the 'Pray for Japan' Project!

Not only school teachers, any teachers of educational organizations and private Japanese language tutors are welcome!
Your student does not have to be an elementary student.
A message in English is, of course, OK!
If you are a Japanese language speaker, please feel free to send your link directly to Mr. Machida! (With a message in Japanese).

About the 'Pray for Japan' Project:

'Pray for Japan'
is a project launched by Mr. Tomo Machida, a public elementary school teacher in Japan,
for the purpose of relieving the stress of students after the recent earthquake.

The number of participants to this project is increasing.
Let's join this movement, too!

The main website of the project (in Japanese) is here.

This project has introduced to the mass media in Japan already.


How to participate in this project:

What to do if you cannot use your school website to post the images.
(For those whose school or educational organization does not have their own website
or if you are an private tutor):