度欲おぢさんのホームページ 補-1
home page of Om Doyok Add-1


This is an additional homepage of Om Doyok.
Following articles are included in this page.

Peusangan Lot II

度欲おぢさんのベトナム支店 Office of OmDoyok Vietnam Branch   パワーストーン Power Stones
技術事務所 Engineering Office   超能力開発研究所 Supernaturalism
ホンビェット(ベトナム滞在記) Khong biet! (Life in Vietnam)  

宮城県「丸森学」 About Marumori Town in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

歩いて見ました東京の街   Tokyo Walker (Japanese version only)
Tokyo city photos betweem 1966 and 1994 photographed my father, scanned copies
from his albums. If you are interested in these photos, please contact me.

東京圏の鉄道についての考察 About Railways in Great Tokyo Area


Booklet 私家版書籍

Please contact me at the following address, if you are intersted in the above articles. I will translate the articles into English upon your request.

2009-08-29 作成
2010-06-15 追加
2010-10-01 追加
2011-04-21 追加