MASA Pavilion 3
Last Modified:
counterscince 09-Jun-2001

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360 deg's PANORAMA on LivePicture/MGI Viewer
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To brouse 360 deg's PANORAMIC Images on this site, You need to install iSeeMedia Viewer Plug-In.
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Click "Full Screen" or "全画面表示" below each Panorama window to see Panorama on full of your browser window(*), and "Source Image" or "ソース画像" to see Source Image of Panorama(jointed 6 sights).
*On MSIE 5.5x or older only.On other browsers, you can see IVR source text of Panorama.
※Microsoft Internet Exploler 6.0 以上のバージョンではパノラマ初回閲覧時にActiveXビューアのインストールが必要です。自動的に開始されない場合は、パノラマ表示エリア左上の「不明なオブジェクト」のアイコンをクリックしてください。→サポート

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一部のコンテンツではQTVR Cubicパノラマをご覧いただけます。ご覧になるには、QuickTimeVR5.0以降のプラグインが必要です。

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What's New
2006.07.09 Added "TouchDown:MUSES-C" to "Planets" with QTVR Cubic! NEW!!
2006.03.09 Added "Safety First" to "Planets" with QTVR Cubic! NEW!!
2006.03.04 Added "Summit Panorama with Rover Deck" to "Planets" with QTVR Cubic! NEW!!
2006.02.22 Added "On the Rim of 'Erebus'" to "Planets" with QTVR Cubic! 2006.01.18 Update All Panoramas for ActiveX Viewer(for MSIE6.0 or lator
2004.03.21 Added "Mars Montes", "Olympus and Fuji" to "Planets"
2004.03.01 Added "Olympus and Japan", "Blue and Red" to "Planets"
2004.02.21 Added "Uranian moons and Japan" to "Planets"
2004.02.21 Added "Planets and GRS" to "Planets"
2004.02.15 Added "Moons of Planets" to "Planets"
2004.02.15 Added "Blue Planets Collection" to "Planets"
2004.01.25 Added "The Nine Planets" to "Planets"
2004.01.07 Added "Europa Springs" to "Planets"
2003.12.25 Added "Treesphere" to "Planets"
2003.11.07 Added "MOI2003" to "Planets"
2003.06.21 Update MEX
2003.06.15 Added "Soletta to "Sci-Fi"
2003.05.18 "Atla Regio" has won "The Picture of the Day" of e-on software!
2003.05.15 Added "Venus Wars Map to "Sci-Fi"
2003.05.11 Added "Sheffield to "Sci-Fi"

2003 : Aqua Planets Collection
2003.04.17 Added "Mars 3D Map (Enhanced)" to "Planets"
2003.04.11 Added "Venus 3D Map (Enhanced)" to "Planets"
2003.04.11 Modified "3001:M.O.I." of "Planets"
2003.03.24 Added "Dione Islands" to "Planets"

2003.03.10 Update MEX

2003 : Aqua Planets Collection
2003.03.08 Added "Venus Map" to "Planets"
2003.02.16 Added "Artemis corona"and "Ishtar Terra" to "Planets"
2003.02.10 Added "Atla Regio" to "Planets"
2003.01.25 Added "Blue Venus" to "Planets"
2003.01.13 Added "Above Olympus Mons"and "Above Tharsis Highlands" to "Planets"
2003.01.11 Added "Above Sea of Marineris"and "Above Lake Argyre" to "Planets"

2003.01.07 Update MEX
2003.01.04 Added "Shepherd on the "Pan"" to "Planets"
2002.12.28 Update Guest Gallery
2002.12.27 Added "The Orbital Trees" to "Planets"
2002.12.27 Added "Arrival" to "Planets"
2002.11.15 Added "On the wall QTVR version" to "Ringworld"
2002.11.04 Modified "Capital of the Galaxy" of "Planets"
2002.10.22 Update MEX
2002.10.20 Added wallpaper version of "Rushing into the Battlefield" to "Planets"
2002.10.17 Added "Rushing into the Battlefield" to "Planets"
200210.11 Added wallpaper version of "Beyond the Galaxy..." to "Planets"
2002.09.16 Added "Capital of the Galaxy" to "Planets"
2002.09.14 Added "Alien Ocean" to "Planets"
2002.09.14 Update MEX
2002.09.14 Update My Favorites(Link)
2002.09.07 Update My Favorites(Link)
2002.09.04 Update MEX
2002.08.08 Added "Crash Landing Vacation..." to "Planets"
2002.07.06 Added "Beyond the Galaxy..." to "Planets"

2002 Summer : Aqua Planets Collection
2002.07.06 Added "3001:M.O.I." to "Planets"

2002.07.06 Update MEX
2002.07.06 Open Guest Gallery
2002.07.01 Update Viewer Download Information of Enterance(left)
2002.06.26 Added Viewer Download Information to Enterance
2002.06.13 Added "Shade Panorama set" and "Shade pseudo-Earth" to MEX
2002.06.11 Added "Shade solid texture ; Plantts and Stars" to MEX
2002.05.23 Added "Vue4 DEMO Trial Report" to MEX
2002.05.20 Added "Space Carp Streamer" to "Planets"
2002.04.28 Added "10K Hits(Presented by Choro-Poo)" to "Sci-Fi"
2002.04.28 Added "Tentacles Sample Movie" to MEX
2002.04.24 Added "Tentacles" to MEX
2002.04.07 Added "Sun flare" to MEX
2002.04.07 Added "Cherry ship(MOMO Exbition version)" to "Sci-Fi"
2002.04.03 Added Link from"Snowman" to Digital Gallery & Greeting Card
2002.03.23 Added "MOMO Exhibition version" to "A gate"
2002.03.21 Added "Hyper Speed" to "Planets"
2002.03.05 Added "Star field" to MEX
2002.03.03 Added Camera settings for Making Panorama on Strata to"About"(Special thanks to Studio DAAN")
2002.03.02 Set up MEX and Added Procedual Textured Planet Models
2002.02.26 Added "Snowman" to "Planets"
2002.02.18 Added "Orbital Crane" to "Planets"
2002.02.16 Modified "Horsehead Nebula" to "Planets"
2002.02.10 Added "Ares" to "Sci-Fi"
2002.01.20 Added "Horsehead Nebula" to "Planets"
2002.01.10 Added "2002:Space Sunrise" to "Planets"
2001.12.08 Added "WE-MADE-IT" to "Ringworld"
2001.12.01 Added "Meteor Shower" to "Planets"
2001.11.30 Added "Hot Jupiter" to "Planets"
2001.11.20 Added "Easter Egg" to "Ringworld"
2001.11.18 Added "Warhead" to "Ringworld"
2001.10.28 Added "The Roche World" to "Sci-Fi"
2001.10.27 Added "Clarke" to "Sci-Fi"
2001.10.27 Set up BBS
2001.10.16 Added "Spring of RAMA" to "Sci-Fi"
2001.10.08 Added "Encounter with RAMA" to "Sci-Fi"
2001.09.24 Added "Great Red Spot" to "Sci-Fi"

2001 Summer : Aqua Planets Collection
2001.09.03 Added "Water Planet" to "Planets"

2001.09.03 Added "Mercury" to "Planets"
2001.08.28 Added "The Last Happy Face" to "Planets"
2001.08.26 Added "Phobos to "Planets"
2001.08.11 Modified "Visitors" of "Planets"

2001.08.06 Added "Blue Moon" to "Planets"
2001.07.28 Added "Sea of Marineris" to "Planets"
2001.07.19 Added "Aphrodite" to "Planets"

2001.07.19 Added "TMA2" to "Sci-Fi"
2001.07.09 Added "Iapetus Orbit Insertion" to "Sci-Fi"
2001.07.03 Modified "Hammer Fall" of "Sci-Fi"
2001.06.23 Added "A Gate" to "Planets"
2001.06.17 Added "Dragoon" to "Planets"
2001.06.09 Opened Cubic VR Gallery on "Pavilion 2"
2001.06.06 Modified "Ocean Floor" of "Planets"
2001.05.27 Added "Janus" to "Sci-Fi"
2001.05.20 Added "Rebirth" to "Planets"
2001.05.01 Modified "On the wall" of "Ringworld"
2001.04.22 Modified "Orpheus" and "Titan to "Planets"
2001.04.20 Modified "Ring" of "Planets"
2001.04.17 Modified "My Favorites"
2001.04.14 Added "Miranda" to "Planets"
2001.04.12 Added "Triton" oto "Planets"
2001.04.07 Modified "Shepherd" of "Planets"
2001.04.01 Modified "Island 3" of "Sci-Fi"
2001.03.25 Modified "Tower" of "Sci-Fi"
2001.03.20 Added "Approach" to "Ringworld"
2001.03.20 Added "Intgral trees" to "Sci-Fi"
2001.03.11 Added "Mayflower II" to "Sci-Fi"
2001.03.09 Added MPEG Movie "Ringworld sunset" to"Pavilion 2"

Go to Gallery Journey to Planets

Go to Gallery The Way to the Larry Niven's Ringworld

Go to Gallery The World of Science Fictions
MASA Pavilion3
MASA Pavilion3のお客様からいただいたCG作品です。
About 360deg.s PANORAMA
MEX --- MASA Pavilion3 CG Experiment
My Favorites

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Bryce Ring
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