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My garden soon after we moved to here looks fresh and young.

Blog Easy Garden Blog Fun-sardin
     Blog about my garden.

Blog about the other stuffs than my garden.


After 2004

Google Photo

Before 2004

Succulent How To Made of Pruned Branches
Sucullent how to - sited from the web.

Made of pruned branches

Slug_snail_FAQ Auto Sprinkling

作者Margaret Van Emmerikさんの許可をもらって、 公開しました。未翻訳部分もあり。

Auto sprinkler at my home

Tokyo Salamander List of my Plants

My life with Tokyo Salamander

List of Plants/Animals (Japanese only)

title Title

Dec. 2004 Easy Garden 2004 Fall - Autumn came very late, this year.
Oct. 2004 I went to Kyoto.
Aug. 2004 I went to Tateshina.
2004 Summer Easy Garden(From them Dimage A1 is used.)
March 3004 I went to California.
2004 Spring Easy Garden
Before 2003 Pictures
2002 Summer EASY GARDEN
Before 2002 Easy Garden
June 2001 London
+Queen Mary's Garden
+Loyal Horticultural Society Flower show
+London scene

Created: April 30, 2000 23:57:02
Updated: Feb. 7, 2017

About the author
ABOUT MEEx-computer engineer. Love gardening, camera and bicycle. Javascript beginnner. Japanese.
