I like helping people (including myself), so I've decided to make the best use of my time in Japan in the following way.

There are many Singaporeans (and people from other countries) who currently pay premium prices whenever something rare, limited and Japan-only gets released in Tokyo.

For example, the :

Limited Edition Final Fantasy 3 DS? Limited Edition Hagane Metal Gear Solid 4 Playstation 3? Limited Edition Crisis Core Playstation Portable?

Ring a bell? So, here's what i am going to do.

I am offering to buy anything you guys might want from Japan and sell it to you at retail price (with shipping included of course). I will include the purchase receipt in the box i send to you. You just have to send me the picture or internet link of what you want and i will check if i can get it for you.

The catch is that there will be a flat 700 yen commission for myself (to compensate me for my trouble).

Singaporean-based clients can simply pay me by transferring Singapore dollars to my Singapore bank account (i will notify you of the total amount in Singapore dollars that needs to be paid).

Clients from other countries can request items from me as well. However, you will have to pay me via Paypal and this will involve the client bearing all additional fees that i will incur from Paypal.

For those who would like additional security, I can put the item you want up on Ebay for you to bid on in a private auction. This way, if i so happen to skip town with your money, you can then approach Ebay for a refund. I like to think of myself as an honest person however. Fees charged to me Ebay will be borne by the client.

With regards to shipping fees, please click on this link to get a rough gauge of how much it would cost to ship to your destination.

Please feel free to email me at [email protected] if there are any questions or requests you might have. Please note that payment will of course have to be received before the item is actually sent out.