Rally against Hosei Uni Repression

Join us in “The Rally to Crush Repression On Hosei University Students!”
Appeal of three organizations of Hosei for July 24 Rally
July 10 2008

 Brothers and sisters!
 Bring all of your anger to the July 24 Rally! Let’s fight back a series of outrageous repression on students: arrests of 85 students; indictment of 19 out of them; numerous cases of expulsion and suspension from the university. Let’s organize a powerful rally to crush the violent crackdown on students. Now is the time to launch a counter-offensive!
 On May 29, accumulated indignation of Hosei university students reached a climax. A furious demonstration took place on the campus to protest against the repressive system and measures of the university administration. Demonstrators, including those students who gathered from other universities all over Japan to support Hosei students in their struggle, shouted, “Withdraw disciplinary measures!” “Crush G8 Summit!” Their protest was directed against prohibition of putting up political billboards, distributing flyers and making outdoor speech on campus; mass arrest of dissident students; disciplinary measures; disbanding of independent students clubs; recurrent use of violence by the “jersey-gangsters” (university-hired campus guards); surveillance cameras posted on more than 60 spots on campus --- in a word, “prison university”
 At the request of the university administration, which was totally scared of the powerful explosion of students’ anger, one hundred and dozens of police rushed into the Hosei campus. They were met, however, with vehement resistance of unflinching demonstrators. 39 students were arrested on campus (including the arrest of the previous day). They all carried out a struggle to keep complete silence for 23 days’ detention and resolutely refused to surrender to police intimidation. 16 comrades out of arrested 39 students were unjustly indicted. The state power has focused their vicious attack full of hatred upon indicted 16 students, who are courageously confronting police repression in detention with their deep conviction in the cause of the May 29 struggle.
 Thus the May 29 Hosei struggle has marked a historical horizon in the Japanese student movement.
 In two years since the memorable mass arrest of 29 students on March 14 2006, when students protested the university administration for violently taking away their notice board, the number of arrested students on Hosei Univesity campus amounts to 85. Their struggle is directed against the attempt of the university administration to control and suppress every kind of students’ independent activities.
 To exhibit furious protest against the recent arrest of 38 students, the chair of Hosei University Association of Cultural Clubs went into hunger strike that continued for 170 hours. The university administration summoned the parents of the arrested students in a mean effort of driving a wedge in family. The Hosei students have been fighting back against the brutal repression by means of severe disciplinary measures and several attempts of disrupting the movement. Their principle is to forge a genuine unity of fighting students with no one left in isolation. The major cause of the fighting Hosei students is to crush the policy of the Hosei university administration to force students to be slaves of capital and destroy unity of students with the aim of transforming Hosei University into an instrument of neo-liberalism. In defiance of the intimidation by means of punishment, Hosei students are fighting arm in arm in unity.
 We’d like to call earnestly on all students and young people to join us in the July 24 rally. Now is the time young people and students rise up for a struggle. Young workers have already begun fighting with labor unions as their own weapon of struggle. Anger is mounting everywhere in the Japanese society as is indicated by the tremendous sale of the novel “Crab-Canning Ship” (slave labor history in pre-war Japan) amounting to 1.3 million copies. A large number of young workers have found their way for hopeful future in waging strike in unity. We can assure you that the struggle of Hosei students paved an exemplary way for victory through their uncompromising confrontation against the university administration as an incarnation of capital. Their struggle stands at the forefront of class struggle in Japan.
 Let’s fight like Hosei students without fear of being arrested and punished! Let’s gather your power, power of students, workers and masses, for the victory of the struggle of Hosei students!
 July 24 shall be a starting point of building up a new phase of Hosei struggle.
 Two waves of signature campaign to support the fighting Hosei students have been successful in gathering 1400 signatures. It shows developing indignation of people against the crackdown on Hosei students, represented by the arrests of 38 students.
 Let’s expand the wave of anger and surround the Hosei university administration!
 We once again call for the success of the July 24 rally with the mass participation of students and workers with Hosei students, lawyers and family members of the arrested students at the head.
 Let’s build up solidarity to break down the prison wall to be with the indicted 17 students and fight for their early release. Join us in the July 24 national rally!
 The rally it to be held:
 ★On July 24, starting at 18:30
 ★At Nakano Zero Small Hall (8minutes on foot from South Exit of JR-Nakano Station)
 ★Under the auspice of Hosei University Students’ Association to accuse March 14 (2006) crackdown, Hosei University Association of Cultural Clubs, Defense Committee of Hosei students arrested in May 28-29 crackdown
 ★Hosei students, lawyers and family members of the arrested students will speak.