Free Hosei 15

We condemn unjustified arrest and indictment of 15 Hosei Students
Call for Signature and fund raising to support the student and demand their immediate release

On May 28 and 29 successively, 38 students were arrested on the Ichgaya campus of Hosei University, an unprecedented outrageous repression. 38 arrested students were detained separately in 38 police stations with an apparent aim of exercising pressure on them to capitulate and convert in isolation. In spite of this nasty measure, none of them surrendered to intimidation of police and courageously fought back in unity, exercising their right to remain silent. 15 of arrested 38 students were indicted after 22 days’ detention and one minor student was sent to a juvenile corrective institution. On June 18, another arrest took place by warrant on the case of May 29. Further on June 24, one of the indicted 15 students was rearrested in detention.
The Hosei University administration is planning to take disciplinary measures on released students and has begun summoning them to the university office. (In March two years ago, the students arrested on Hosei campus were expelled or suspended by the university administration).
The students were arrested, indicted and could be expelled or suspended only for demonstrating on campus against G8 Summit. Isn’t it an outrageous repression? We can never admit this.
We ask your support for the students to have them released immediately and to prevent disciplinary measures on them.

Violent crackdown on the demonstration on May 29 against the G8 Summit and against unlawful arrest of the previous day: 38 arrested, 15 indicted
On May 29, the Hosei student association against repression on March 14 (2006) called upon students to gather to a rally in lunch time on campus and make a demonstration surrounding the university building with a slogan, “Crush G8 Summit at Lake Toya” “Withdraw disciplinary measures”. On the previous day, May 28, the university administration had asked the police to arrest 5 students for suspected injury in fear of developing struggle on Hosei campus. Succeeding this crackdown, police invaded into the campus upon request of the university administration on May 29 and assaulted upon demonstrating students, arresting 33 of them for “trespassing on the university building”.
Two of them, Mr. ARAI Hiraku and NAKAJIMA Hiroaki were indicted for “assault” on university personnel on April 11 instead of previous suspect of “injury”. The allegation against them is that the students hit two university personnel on the face, hurting them to be treated for five days. It is a total lie. The fact is as follows: on that day, April 11, Mr. Arai and Nakajima were attacked instantly upon their appearance on front gate of the campus by university personnel and guardsmen with Kihara, chief of the Ichigaya Student Center at their head, who violently crashed at their transportable megaphone. Mr.Arai scarcely escaped being strangled by loudly protesting against violence. Mr.Nakajima had to fight bitterly against one of the guardsmen to get back his glasses that he threatened to break. Thus the two students never turned to violence. On the contrary, they were both assaulted. The allegation against them is a complete frame-up.
The accusation against 13 students to have trespassed on the university building is also totally groundless. Why is it called trespassing if students enter the university building after demonstrating on the campus? Moreover, there is another case of absurdity. One of the arrested students, after being detained in suspicion of “obstructing officers from performing their duty” for 22 days, was suddenly indicted for another charge of trespassing on the building on the expiration of the detention period. What an arbitrary and shameless procedure.

85 students arrested and 18 of them indicted in two years and still students fight on courageously
For the recent two years, students of Hosei University have been confronted with brutal repressions of the university administration: prohibition of campus billboards, distributing of flyers and open-air speeches, obligatory registration of campus clubs, recurrent disciplinary measures (expulsion or suspension) on dissident students. More than 60 surveillance cameras are installed on the campus. A dozen of paid thugs are wandering on the campus, ready to assault on disobedient students, crying, “I’ll kill you”. The university administration has resorted to every possible repressive means to liquidate independent student movement.
In spite of this all-out attack of the university administration by means of arrests and disciplinary measures, students have been fighting unflinchingly in strengthening unity in confrontation against outrageous policy of the university. Their tenacious struggle has inspired and moved a large amount of students of Hosei into angry actions against the university administration. The recent crackdown (arrest of 38 students and indictment of 15 students) illustrates a grave setback of the university administration as well as police in face of mounting resistance of student masses of Hosei.

Students’ struggle opens up a future of society, a radical social change
1120 person have responded to our call for signature to release 38 arrested students until June 25. A lot of messages have been sent to us: “Thank you for giving me a hope for future” “Your struggle has encouraged me tremendously”, etc.
On June 8, an indiscriminate mortal incident took place in Akihabara (downtown Tokyo). It was a 25 year-old temporary worker that drove a truck into the vehicle?free promenade flooded with young people. He might have been inflicted, angry, isolated and desperate with the daily situation of temporary workers, in which they are treated not as human being. What he really wanted to do must be to fight against capitalists in unity with working colleagues. “Akihabara incident” is an inevitable outcome of a hopeless and gloomy situation of the Japanese society, a result of repressive measures of ruling class, such as repression of independent student movement and deterioration of labor union into corporate union.
Only 40% of university graduates of Hosei is said to be able to find a job as regular worker. In face of the current situation, in which temporary workers are not treated as human being and war, disparity and poverty are rapidly developing, angry voices are bursting everywhere: “Workers are not a mere object” “Enough is enough”.
There is a hope of changing the society in the struggle of students who speak out their aspiration in a slogan, “Let’s change the society by the unity of students with working class” On the labor front, young workers are rising up for a fresh fight in defiance of the established, submissive union leadership, building new militant labor unions of their own.
Worldwide workers’ revolt is spreading like a wildfire. One million Korean workers waged a huge, powerful demonstration on June 10, shouting, “Down with Lee Muyun Bak!” . On May 1, day of international labor solidarity, workers of International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) and General Union of Port Workers of Iraq (GUPWI) simultaneously stood up to shut down ports in US West Coast and in Iraq with the common slogan, “Stop war on Iraq”. In Britain 400.000 public sector workers went on strike; in France education workers waged a general strike; in Germany strikes of post workers, transport workers as well as workers of nursery, school, municipality are developing; in Sweden 100.000 hospital and welfare workers are on strike. Food riots are spreading in the Central and South America, Asia, Africa and Middle East.
 We are very proud of the students fighting at the forefront of the struggle to change the society in unity with working class all over the world.

We demand immediate release of the arrested students. Stop disciplinary measures on Hosei students!
Indicted students and released students as well are full of fighting spirit. Confident of their cause, they keep fighting proudly.
We are quite angry at mass media for their total negligence of reporting on such a grave case of crackdown on Hosei students. It reveals that mass media is surrendering to the state power. Therefore, we ask you to tell your friends the repression on Hosei university students. Let’s get back indicted students as soon as possible by the joined power of angry workers, students and citizens. Let’s stop planned disciplinary measures on fighting Hosei students. Please collect signatures in your communities.

We ask your support in ten million Yen raising fund for the students!
We have already received support fund amounting to more than 2 million Yen. We thank you for contributors. A large sum of money is needed to support probably long-period trials of 15 indicted students. We deadly need another ten million Yen for the lives of the 15 students in detention and also to organize defense counsel for their trials.
We sincerely ask you once again your cooperation in fund raising.
June 25 2008
Please send your signatures to Houdai Kyuenkai (Support Committee for Arrested and Disciplined Students of Hosei)
Address: Kyuen Renraku Center, Ishida Building, 2-8-16 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Email: [email protected]

Please raise fund for their defense and send it to
by snail mail:
Address: Kyuen Renraku Center, Ishida Building, 2-8-16 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
or by bank transfer:
Branch Office of Kinshicho-Ekimae, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
Checking Account3520695 “Houdaikyuenkai”
or by postal transfer:

Please visit our web site for daily update:
or the blog site of the Association of Hosei Students:

