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This aquatic life science research group consists of professors listed below:
two groups, "The Research Group of Fish Reproductive Physiology" and "The Research Group of Marine Chemical Resource Development" are conducting research together.

教育スタッフ(Educational Staff)

名誉教授 (Emeritus Professor):

原 彰彦 Akihiko Hara

The Research Group of Fish Reproductive Physiology (English version is here)

准教授 (Associate Professor):

東藤 孝 Takashi Todo (魚類繁殖生理学:Fish Reproductive Physiology)
平松 尚志 Naoshi Hiramatsu (魚類繁殖生理学:Fish Reproductive Physiology)

The Research Group of Marine Chemical Resource Development (Details in here)

准教授 (Associate Professor):

清水 宗敬 Munetaka Shimizu (魚類生理学:Fish Physiology)

(Update Records)

・プロトコルはこちら (Link to protocols)

(Link to documents of lecture)

(Link to Research Achievements since April, 2012~)

(Link to Research Achievements before March, 2012)

(Link to Photos)

(Link to Introduction of Current Laboratory Members)

(Link to Address to Correspondence)

(Link to Query to HP)


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