Gunma Life
本文へジャンプOdisan went to foreign countries Ins: 2008/07/01
Upd: 2013/04/12
Odisan went to foreign countries introduces Odisan's trip to foreign countries

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INDEX / Date order
Date Country Photo Purpose and Participants
2009 NOV. Korea 韓国・王朝街道の旅
2008 Jul. Switzland Purpuse: Switzland trecking by a package tour
Travel agency: JTB
Main participants: Odisan's family, Hirobei's family, Ani's family,
Language: English / Japanese
2006 Oct. Egypt Purpuse: Egypt sightseeing by a package tour
Travel agency: HIS
Main participants: Odisan's family, Hirobei's family, Ani's family, Dou-chan's family, Koji-Koji's family, Yamanon, Shimako, Minoru's family, Shimoyama, Takahashi and misterious couple.
Language: Japanese only
2004 Sep. Spain
2003 Sep. Britain (U.K.)  
2003 Aug. Italy
1984 Oct. Greece Purpuse: IMS Production conference in Greece
Main participants:
Japan : Toshiaki Odisan Tago, Yasuhiko Inaba
Language: English only
Gunma Life is the site which is managed by Toshiaki Odisan Tago who is also the site manager of this Gunma life in English.
The site introduces sightseeing spots, flowers, living, sports and so on at Gunma prefecture of Japan in Japanese. If you have some interests at the site, please visit to the site.
Sub-site name of Gunma Life Contents Addres of home page
Gunma Life in English English Guide of Gunma & Takasaki
Flower calender at Gunma in Japanese Alpine plants & Flowers at Gunma,, Japan
History of Gunma in Japanese Castle site, Tomb, Stone monument, Temple, Road,
Sports paradise at Gunma in Japanese Ski, Crimbing mountains at Gunma, Japan
Sightseeing at Gunma in Japanese Sightseeing spots in Gunma, Japan
Takasaki city guide in Japanese Sightseeing spots in Takasaki city, Gunma
Otaku hobby in Japanese Japanese only
Takasaki 3rd junior high school Japanese only
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