Gunma Life
本文へジャンプ群 馬 ラ イ フ Insert: 2007/01/05
Update: 2013/04/12
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Gunma Life is the site to introduce Takasaki city, Gunma prefecture and Odisan's Gunma life to people in the world.
This site includes
Category Name (=> Entrance) Contents in the Category
Flower Calender at Gunma Flowers, alpine plants, & autumn tint
Sightseeing at Gunma Histric site, buildings, boddhism temples, shinto shirnes, natures, museums
Sports Paradise at Gunma Climbing mountains, ski and snowboard,
History of Gunma Historic site, old tomb, ruins, shinto shrines, stone monuments, temples,
Takasaki City Guide Aigheseeing spots, governmental services
Communication with Odisan Send mail to Odisan
And this site is served by Odisan (Tago Toshiaki).

IMG_2007_7020E View of Mt. Tanigawa-dake (left) and Ichinokurasawa-dake (right) from Ichinokurasawa. Date:2007.10.28
Flower Calender at Gunma
Explanations Flower calender at Gunma introduces flowers, alpine plants and Kouyou (Autumn tint) what the site manager find at mountains, marshlands and flower view points in Gunma prefecture in Japan.
Entrance => Flower Calender at Gunma
Sample pictures of contents in Flower calender at Gunma
J. Name Yukiwarisou Hosobahina-Usuyukisou Nikko-Kisuge Hotaru-Bukuro Mikurumagaeshi
J. Name Tsurifunesou Matsumishisou Shaga Hototogisu
Sports Paradise at Gunma
Explanations Sports paradise at Gunma introduces climbing mountains, ski & snowboard, cycling, sky sports and so on in Gunma prefecture in Japan.
Entrance => Sports Paradise at Gunma

Sample pictures of contents in Sports Paradise at Gunma;
J. Name Mt. Tanigawadake Mt. Shirane Mt. Kurobi (Akagi) Mt. Souma (Haruna) Mt. Asama-Kakushi
J. Name Mt. Asama Mt. Shibutsu Mt. Asahidake
Sample pictures of contents in Ski & Snowboard:
J. Name Tenjindaira Ski Kusatsu Ski

Sightseeing at Gunma
Explanations Sightseeing at Gunma introduces histric sites, buildings, boddhism temples, shinto shirnes, charchs, natures, museums, water falls, and so on in Gunma prefecture in Japan.
Entrance => Sightseeing at Gunma
Sample pictures of contents in Sightseeing at Gunma:
J. Name Akagi Jinjya
Shinto Shrine
Fujimi v. Seta coun.
Megane-bashi bridge
Ex Usui railway
Matsuida, Annaka c.
Tomioka Silk reeler
World heritage
Tomioka, Tomioka c.
Water fall
Oigami, Numata c.
Tamamura Hachimangu
Shinto Shrine
Tamamura, Sawa coun.
J.Name Kiryu Orimono Kinenkan
Eiraku cho, Kiryu city
Hagiwara Sakutaro Kinenkan
Shikishima, Maebashi c.
History of Gunma
Explanations History of Gunma introduces histric sites, buildings, boddhism temples, shinto shirnes, charchs, natures, museums, water falls, and so on in Gunma prefecture in Japan.
Entrance => History of Gunma
Sample pictures of contents in History of Gunma:
J. Name Akagi Jinjya
Shinto Shrine
Fujimi v. Seta coun.
Tamamura Hachimangu
Shinto Shrine
Tamamura, Sawa coun.
Megane-bashi bridge
Ex Usui railway
Matsuida, Annaka c.
Tomioka Silk reeler
World heritage
Tomioka, Tomioka c.
Kiryu Orimono Kinenkan
Eiraku cho, Kiryu city
Takasaki City Guide
Explanations Takasaki city guide introduces how to have a convinient Takasaki city life in Gunma prefecture in Japan.
Entrance => Takasaki City Guide
Sample pictures of contents in Takasaki city guide:
J. Name Byakue Dai-Knnon
Budhism Temple
Ishihara, Takasaki c.
Takasaki Jhoshi
Catsle Site

Takamatsu, Takasaki c.
Gunma Gokoku Jinjya
Shinto Shrine
Ishihara, Takasaki c.
Takasaki Tetsugakudo
A, Raymond's design

Yajima, Takasaki c.
Bruno Tauto
Hanataka, Takasaki c.
J. Name A.Raymond's Fresco
Wall Picture

Takamatsu, Takasaki c.
Takasaki Toshokan
Suehiro, Takasaki c.
Seimo Passport Center
Asahi, Takasaki c.
Yorimasa Jinjya
Shinto Shirine

Miyamoto, Takasaki c.
Antonin Raymond
No address
J. Name
Contact with Odisan (Site manager)
群馬ライフGunma Life
Gunma Life is the site which is managed by Toshiaki Odisan Tago who is also the site manager of this Gunma life in English.
The site introduces sightseeing spots, flowers, living, sports and so on at Gunma prefecture of Japan in Japanese. If you have some interests at the site, please visit to the site.
Sub-site name of Gunma Life Contents Addres of home page
Gunma Life in English English Guide of Gunma & Takasaki
Flower calender Alpine plants & Flowers at Gunma,, Japan
Sports paradise Ski, Crimbing mountains at Gunma, Japan
Gunma sightseeing Sightseeing spots in Gunma, Japan
Takasaki city guide Sightseeing spots in Takasaki city, Gunma
Otaku hobby Japanese only
Takasaki 3rd junior high school Japanese only
Odisan's oversea trips English+Japanese
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