

西武多摩川線利用案内 / Information on the Seibu-Tamagawa Line


Must read for American School in Japan (ASIJ) and Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies (TUFS)

※このサイトは非公式です。西武鉄道のサイトではありません。/ Not an official site.※


/Musashi-Sakai (Transfer to JR Chuo Line, and buses to )













/Tama (Buses to Mitaka, Tobitakyu, Chofu, Fuchu)






/Shiraitodai  (To Keio Line stations on foot)















/Koremasa (To JR Nambu Line station on foot)




MENU利用上の注意/Remember to Use混雑情報/Rush Hours武蔵境駅での高架化工事


乗車券などのマメ知識/Tips and WitsNEW!Japanese to Use on RideNEW!About trains in Tokyo for dummies |


武蔵境(むさしさかい、武蔵野市)と是政(これまさ、府中市)を結ぶ8キロ単線の西武鉄道の路線です。/An 8 Km long, single track railway line operated by Seibu Railway Co, Ltd. Runs between Musashi-Sakai (Musashino City) and Koremasa (Fuchu City).


注目!!/Notice!! (English below)




























Changing to/from JR Chuo Line & Seibu Tamagawa Line

Use SUICA card, PASMO card, or Tranfer Ticket!!


>Check the amount left in your card, and place your card with care on ticket gates.

Make sure your card has been checked at every gate you pass.

You can use the trasfer gate at Musashi-Sakai station.

>Buy Tranfer Tickets  at a JR Chuo Line or  a Seibu Tamagawa Line station.

(Unfortunately, not available at stations on other JR lines. Use cards or see below.)


*How to buy Tranfer Tickets*

1. Press "English" on the top-right side on the ticket vendor screen.

2. Press "Transfer Tickets" on the other side of the screen.

3. Select name of the station where you change lines. (Usually, "Musashi-Sakai")

4. Select the fare.

(Kokubunji & Kichijyoji:\320, Tachikawa & Nakano:\380, Shinjuku & Shibuya:\460, Hachioji & Ikebukuro:\550, Ueno & Tokyo & Shinagawa:\620, [-\30 from Shin-Koganei] or use this website.)

5. Toss coins or insert bills.

*This ticket is only available for JR lines.


If you do not have any of these: SUICA card, PASMO card, or Tranfer Ticket,

You CANNOT go through the transfer gate at Musashi-Sakai,

which will make you go through the exit (South Exit),

to go around for the entrance of the line you're changing to.

*There are no ticket vendors at the transfer gate.

*There are no fare adjustment machines at the tranfer gate.

>You need to go to the South Exit to adjust the fare. (There's a machine for SUICA/PASMO cards on the Seibu side.)

*If you leave from stations other than those of JR Chuo Line, you will need to get a SUICA/PASMO card.


























































SUICA(JR東日本PASMO(IC全駅で利用可能。改札の端末にタッチ。/Available at all stations.

武蔵境での乗り換え/Transfer at Musashi-Sakai











  • JR線のりかえきっぷ(多摩川線全駅で発売)
  • 武蔵境からのJR乗車券(定期券、武蔵境からの特急・新幹線乗車券、回数券など)
  • スイカパスモ
  • 西武多摩川線のりかえきっぷ(JR中央線の駅なら大体売っている)
  • 武蔵境からの西武乗車券(回数券、定期券など)
  • スイカパスモ



  • 西武の乗車券のみ
  • 清算・処理が必要なスイカ・パスモ


  • JRの乗車券のみ
  • 清算・処理が必要なスイカ・パスモ(チャージは構内のチャージ機で可能)







JR/Seibu Transfer Gate at Musashi-Sakai

Need to have tickets or cards for two operators: JR and Seibu. If you need to adjust the fares, or if your card needs to be taken care of, you need to go to the exit gate with station staffs.


from Seibu-Tamagawa Line to JR:

  • Tickets: JR Transfer Tickets are available at all stations (Press "English" sign on ticket machines, then press "Transfer Tickets"). If you use more then one ticket to JR Lines, put them all at once at the transfer gate.
  • Cards: SUICA and PASMO cards can be used for all most all lines and operators in and around Tokyo. So, just place the card once on the gate (if you have enough fare stored in your card). Fare storing machine is on the right hand side of tranfer gate. To fix problems, go to the staff office.
  • Without tickets or cards to JR Lines: Cannot use the transfer gate. Go through the exit gate, and turn left as soon as you're outside. Buy ticket at JR's station.

from JR to Seibu-Tamagawa Line:

  • Tickets: Tickets to Seibu-Tamagawa Line are available at some JR-Chuo Line stations (Press "English" sign on ticket machines, then press "Transfer Tickets").  If you use more then one ticket to Seibu-Tamagawa Line, put them all at once at the transfer gate.
  • Cards: Place the card once on the gate (if you have enough fare stored in your card). If you need to add fare in your card or fix problems, you need to go to the South Exit (Minami-Guchi).
  • Without tickets or cards to Seibu-Tamagawa Line: Cannot use the transfer gate. Go through South Exit gate (Minami-Guchi), and turn right. Buy ticket at Seibu's Station.




/Automatic ticket gates are only at Musashisakai. Gates at other stations only have SUICA/PASMO panels, and desks with station staffs.



/SUICA and PASMO fare storing machine inside the stations can only take 1,000yen bills. To use other bills, go to staff desks, or use ticket vendors before entering the gates.



/Trains leave every 12 minutes (except in the early morning and late night).

回数券/for frequent users



If you take the line frequently, discount tickets called "Kaisu-Ken"can be useful. Price is 10 times of regular fare. Available through 3 months since purchase.

They sell them in 3 types: "Futsu (regular)"; set of 11 tickets (can be used anytime), "Do-Nichi-Kyu (Sat. Sundays and holidays)"; set of 14 tickets (can be used only on weekends and holidays), "Jisa (non-rush hour)"; set of 12 tickets (can be used at 10am-16pm on weekdays and anytime on weekends and holidays).

Available at ticket machines. Choose which station to which you wish to use them when buying.

定期券/if you use everyday



If you use the line almost everyday, you might want to consider having a rail pass called "Teiki-Ken". It has the highest discount of all services, and since the ticket can be used as many times you want during the certain period, you won't need to buy tickets for a while.

The pass is sold for periods of 1, 3, or 6 months. Choose which station to which you'll use it when buying (you can choose all most any station of JR and Tokyo Metro as destination!). Also, special prices will be applied for students (Tsuugaku).

Available only at Musashi-Sakai. If you go there to buy "Teiki-Ken", ask a staff at your nearest Seibu-Tamagawa Line station. Pay the fare to Musashi-Sakai, and he'll give you a special ticket. Once you get there (the Seibu station at Musashi-Sakai, not the JR station), give it away at the desk. They'll pay you back the fare you paid.

If you're an adult, you can use the white ticket vendor to buy it at the exit of Musashi-Sakai, but as for students and children, must buy it at the staff desk since you need to show them an ID.

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上り武蔵境行き/for Musashi-Sakai

ラッシュのピーク。特に多磨駅から混雑する。/The most crowded time of morning rush hours.


下り是政行き:武蔵境-多磨間/for Koremasa: as far as Tama

外語大の授業、特に1・2時間目の開始時間前後は混雑する。後方車両に乗客が集中。/Due to classes of the TUFS.


上り武蔵境行き:競艇場前-武蔵境間/for Musashi-Sakai: from Kyoteijyo-Mae

競艇開催日は、終了後に競艇場前駅・武蔵境駅、そして両駅をむすぶ車内が混雑する。 競艇場前駅では、この時間外に切符を買うべし。/Crowded by boat and horse race gamblers.


上り武蔵境行き:多磨-武蔵境間/for Musashi-Sakai: from Tama

外語大の4・5時間目終了時間により混雑する。/Due to the TUFS classes.



特に終了後、多磨駅は非常に混雑する。ホームに溢れんばかりの乗客が集まることも。 切符は時間外に買っておくべし。/Also gets crowded due to exams at the TUFS and the Police Academy. Buy tickets for your way back before it gets crowded.

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●平成18年12月  (←完了)





J R中央線三鷹駅〜国分寺駅,←2009年12月6日に完了


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※一部のページを表示するにはAdobe Acrobat Readerが必要です。インストールされてない方は、こちらへ(無料)⇒Get Adobe Reader

始発(上り)/The first train of the day(for Musashi-Sakai)













終電(下り)/The last train of the day(for Koremasa)













※この終電はJR中央線下り0:14武蔵境発に接続していません。/The last train for Koremasa is NOT connected to JR Chuo Line outbound train leaving Musashi-sakai at 0:14.


Timetable: leaves every 12 minutes (except 5-7am, 10pm-0am)

For Koremasa


Departure Time (min., 7am-10pm)


06  18  30  42  54


08  20  32  44  56


11  23  35  47  59


01  13  25  37  49  


04  16  28  40  52



For Musashi-Sakai


Departure Time (min., 7am-10pm)


09  21  33  45  57


11  23  35  47  59


02  14  26  38  50


04  16  28  40  52


07  19  31  43  55




Musashi-Sakai = Shin-Koganei : 140yen (12y/o and younger: 70yen)

Musashi-Sakai = Tama, Shiraitodai, Kyoteijyo-mae, Koremasa : 170yen (90yen)

Shin-Koganei = Kyoteijyo-Mae, Koremasa : 170yen (90yen)

From/To any station between Tama and Koremasa : 140yen (70yen)

*To buy a ticket through JR Lines, click here.

*How to buy tickets for your child (12y/o and younger) : On ticket vendors, press the button marked with red child sign next to the screen. You can buy child ticket(s) and adult ticket(s) altogther if you press the designated button.

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  • トイレ、エスカレーター、エレベーターあり。
  • JR中央線乗り換え(乗り換え専用改札あり)
  • タクシー・バス乗り場あり(バス:小田急バスは主に南口西武バス・関東バスは主に北口。)
  • 南口(西武側)入口隣にコンビニ(JR線改札方面)、ロータリーの向こうにイトーヨーカドーやKFC。ロータリー左側に東京三菱UFJ銀行、ロータリー向こうの右側にみずほ銀行。ゆうちょ銀行ATMは、イトーヨーカドー東館1階奥にある。赤十字病院は、イトーヨーカドーに挟まれた交差点を左に曲がり、一つ目の交差点を右へまっすぐ。
  • 北口(南口改札の横に自由通路あり):マクドナルドや100円ショップ、飲食店、郵便局が並ぶ商店街あり。ひばりが丘・田無など、西武新宿線・池袋線の駅をむすぶバスも出ているスイング・ホールは高尾方面、亜細亜大学は商店街の反対側から高尾方面へ。
  • ホームはひとつしかないが、一応「4番線」ということになっている。
  • Tranfer to JR Chuo Line
  • South Exit (Minami-Guchi): Ito-Yokado(shopping centre), KFC, buses(Odakyu Bus), banks, Sekijyuji (red-cross) hospital, North Exit (Kita-Guchi; through the pass next to the South Exit): McDonalds & other restaurants, post office, buses(Seibu Bus, Kanto Bus)




  • トイレあり。
  • 改札を出て線路を渡り反対側に銀行。
  • 野川公園⇒ 当駅と多磨駅の間にある。多磨駅を参照。地図
  • ICU(国際基督教大学)などに近い。




  • トイレ、スロープあり。
  • タクシー・バス乗り場あり三鷹駅飛田給駅調布駅行きなどの京王バス・小田急バス、府中方面への府中市コミュニティーバス「ちゅうバス」も停車。)  改札を出て左へ。地下道を通る。
  • (武蔵境側)にコンビニあり。
  • 駅前にポスト、多磨霊園へ行く途中に郵便局あり。
  • 東京外国語大学⇒ 改札を出て左へ。数十m先の地下道を通り、ロータリーを横断し、しばらく歩くとキャンパスの入口が見える。地図
  • 警察学校⇒ 外国語大学キャンパス入口を横に、まっすぐ南へ歩いて行くと、左手に入口がある。地図
  • 多磨霊園⇒ 改札から出て右へ。突き当りを左へ曲がり、2つ目の信号交差点を右へ。徒歩10分弱。地図
  • 野川公園⇒ 改札でたら右へ。突き当りを右へ、踏切を渡ってまっすぐ。地図
  • 武蔵野の森公園⇒ 外大の裏にある。外大横の道をまっすぐ進むと突き当たりに。東府中にある「武蔵野森公園」とは違うので注意。地図
  • 味の素スタジアム地図・榊原記念病院地図  歩くと結構かかるので、バスを使う改札を出て左へ行き、地下道を出ると、飛田給駅行き(京王バス)のバス停がある。味の素スタジアムは、京王線飛田給駅からの方が近い。
  • 府中運転免許試験場 ⇒ 多磨霊園の真ん中を貫く道をひたすら歩いて東八道路を目指すか、霊園正門付近で京王バスに乗る。JR武蔵小金井駅・京王線多磨霊園駅からだと直接バスが出ている。地図
  • アメリカンスクール(ASIJ)⇒改札を出て右へ。突き当りを右。踏切を渡ってすぐ左に曲がり、線路沿いを歩く。寺がある交差点で右に曲がり、まっすぐ行くと左手にある地図
  • 係員に尋ねると略地図をくれますが、みながこぞって行くと大変です。調べて行きましょう。改札右側の案内看板は古くて頼りにならない。
  • Connection: Taxi and Bus stops: Buses to Tobitakyu and Chofu Sta. (Keio Bus), Mitaka Sta. (Odakyu Bus), Fuchu Sta. (Fuchu City Community Bus "Chu-Bus"; only once every hour). > Turn left at the ticket gates, and go through the underground pass ahead.
  • How to Get to Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) from Tama Sta.: 1.Turn left at the ticket gate. 2.Cross the underground pass 20 meters ahead. 3.Go around the roundabout to head straight. 4.The campus entrance is across the road by the convenience store. Map
  • Nogawa Park (Map): next to the ASIJ, Musashino-no-Mori Park (Map): behind the TUFS. "Musashino-Mori Park" is a different one in Higashi-Fuchu.
  • Ajinomoto Stadium(Map), Sakakibara-Kinen Hospital(Map): turn left at the ticket gate, cross the underground pass ahead, and take Keio Bus bound for Tobitakyu Sta. from the roundabout.
  • How to Get to ASIJ from Tama Sta. (Remember, all most no staffs at the station speak English.): 1.Turn right at the ticket gate. 2.Go straight by the convenience store, and turn right at the corner. 3.Turn left as soon as crossing the rail tracks, and go straight along the tracks. 4.Turn right at the corner where you see the Eifukuji Temple on your right. 5.Go straight, and you'll see the ASIJ on your left. Map




  • トイレ、スロープあり。
  • 京王線乗り換え⇒ 武蔵野台駅新宿・調布・橋本方面;改札を出て一番左の道へ。最初を左へ。まっすぐ行くと踏切を渡り左へ曲がる。道なりにまっすぐ行き、コンビニのある交差点を右へ。地図、  多磨霊園駅京王八王子・高尾山口・府中方面;改札を出て一番左の道を行く。途中で左に曲がったり交差点を通ったりするが、気にせず行くと右手にある。地図)、いずれも徒歩約10分
  • 隣に美容院、中華料理屋、クリーニング屋あり。改札を出て右へ行き旧甲州街道で右に曲がると郵便局あり。
  • コンビニは郵便局の通りか、京王線多磨霊園駅近辺にしかない。
  • ここが多摩川線の管理所(本部)。
  • Connection: Transfer to Keio Line: , Musashinodai Sta.(for Shinjuku, Chofu, Hashimoto. Go straight from the ticket gate, turn left at the first corner, turn left as you cross the tracks ahead, and go along the way. Turn right after walking for about 5 mins.Map), Tamareien Sta.(for Keio-Hachioji, Takaosanguchi, Fuchu. Go straight from the ticket gate, turn left at the second corner, and go along the way. Map), each approx.10min by foot.



  • トイレ、エレベータあり。
  • 多摩川競艇場⇒ 改札を出て右(北口方面)の橋を渡る。
  • 競艇場近くからは京王線多磨霊園駅などへのバスが出ている。
  • 多摩川緑地(運動広場など)⇒南口を出てまっすぐ。
  • Tamagawa Riverside fields: Turn left at the ticket gate (South Exit), go straight as you exit the station.
  • ホームはひとつ。




  • トイレ、スロープあり。
  • 東京競馬場(南門) ⇒ 北口から徒歩約10分。
  • JR南武線乗り換え⇒ 南多摩駅まで徒歩約15分。地図
  • Transfer to JR Nambu Line: approx. 15min by foot to Minami-Tama Sta. Map
  • ホームはひとつ。

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Seibu Railway


Seibu Railway - How to Take a Train




Tokyo University of Foreign Studies




Nogawa Park


Musashino-No-Mori Park


Tamagawa Riverside parks & fields




Map Fan English (interactive English map for all over Japan)

Tokyo (Train) Transfer Guide (search engine for train routes in English)

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  • 機能・使い方は、販売元の会社が違うだけで全く同じ。
  • 首都圏内なら、使える路線・店はほぼ同じ。(どちらもJR・私鉄・都営・メトロ各線、一部の路線バス・コンビニなどの店舗で使える。)⇒両方持つ必要はない
  • スイカは、首都圏内に加え、JR東日本圏内(例えば仙台)、JR西日本圏内(例えば大阪)でも使える
  • スイカはJR各駅の券売機や窓口、パスモは私鉄・地下鉄各駅の券売機や窓口で購入できる。
  • 1秒間、パネルに触れる(かざす)だけ。⇒強く叩きつけても意味なし。逆に1秒未満で離すとエラーが出る
  • 他のICカードと重ねてタッチしちゃダメ。⇒2枚以上のパスモ・スイカ・その他IC系カード(一部の運転免許証、タスポなど)を重ねたり、一緒にサイフに入れた状態での使用はできない。
  • エラーが出にくいチャージの仕方⇒券売機の「PASMO」ボタンを押す(JRの駅はなし)、「チャージ」を選ぶ(そのまま③にいくことも)、チャージする金額を選ぶ、現金を入れる
  • チャージはスイカ用チャージ機/券売機でも、パスモ用チャージ機/券売機でもできる。
  • Differences between SUICA and PASMO cards are only the companies that sell them. They both can be used for all most all train and bus lines, or some shops and restaurants in and around Tokyo. As for SUICA, can be used in other areas as well (Sendai, Osaka, etc.). Of course, you can add the fare on any machine if it says either SUICA or PASMO.
  • You need to pay \500 when purchasing a card, but they'll pay you back the \500 when you're not using it any more, and return it at the stations. Purchase and return for SUICA is only available at stations of JR Lines, as for PASMO, stations for companies other than the JR.
  • To store fare into your card (we call it "Charge" in strange Japanese), use ticket vendors: 1. Press "English" on the top-right side on the screen, 2. Press "PASMO"(on lines other than JR), "Charge"(on JR lines), 3. Insert your card, 4. Choose the amount you wish to add (\1,000 to \20,000), 5. Put bills or coins.   If you need to do this inside the stations, use fare storing machines or fare adjustment machines.
  • You cannot use more than one card at once, and for more than one person at once. If you place 2 cards on the panel, you'll need to try again with one card.
  • Place your card gently on the panel for one second, not less.


JR Transfer Tickets

  • 武蔵境以外全駅の券売機で購入可能。
  • 券売機の画面の左上にある「のりかえきっぷ」に触れ、「武蔵境(JR線)」に触れ、運賃を選ぶ。
  • わざわざJR武蔵境駅で並んで切符を買わずに済む。
  • ただし、西武多摩川線+JR線合わせて650円までしか買えない。
  • Press "Transfer Tickets" on ticket machines when you buy tickets to JR Lines. They sell tickets for destinations 650 yen and less.
  • Fares(-\30 from Shin-Koganei): Kokubunji & Kichijyoji:\320, Tachikawa & Nakano:\380, Shinjuku & Shibuya:\460, Hachioji & Ikebukuro:\550Ueno & Tokyo & Shinagawa:\620. For more, use this website.


  • 残額があるのにエラーが出る場合、窓口へ。
  • 西武多摩川線以外の線の駅で発生した異常の場合、多摩川線の駅では処理できない。異常の発生した路線の駅で処理してもらう。(例えばJRの駅で正しくタッチされていない場合、JRの駅の窓口でないと処理できず、処理しないとその後使えない)。


 一旦下がって、改札機を出る。すると、エラーがクリアされる。/ If you were caught by an error at ticket gates, step back to get out of the gate. Then, the error will be cleared.



便利!! — JR・私鉄・地下鉄首都圏全図!


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As mentioned above, all most all staffs at Seibu-Tamagawa Line (and probably most stations around Japan...) cannot speak English at all. Use this chart to communicate with them.

Where is ...?


...Wa Doko Desu Ka?




How can I get to...?


...E Wa Dou Iki Masuka?

Does it go to...?


...E Wa Iki Masuka? (Point your finger to the train or bus you want to ask about.)

How much is it to ...?


...E Wa Ikura Desuka?

Write it down for me.


Kaite Kudasai.

It gives me an error.


Error Ga Demasu.

I took a ride from...


...Kara Nori Mashita. (Say it if you have an error with enough fare in your card.)

I'd like to add fare into my card.


Charge Shitai Desu. ("Charge" means to add amount into the card in strange Japanese.)

For amount of 1000/2000/3000yen.


Sen yen/Nisen yen/Sanzen yen.



右 Migi


左 Hidari


北 Kita


南 Minami


東 Higashi


西 Nishi


出口 Deguchi/Guchi


切符 Kippu / 乗車券 Jyousyaken


カード Kahdo


電車 Densha


バス Basu


タクシー Takshi


駅 Eki


線 Sen

USEFUL!! : English train route map with JR, Subway, Private lines in and around Tokyo downtown!

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Also, here's the another English map covering all the suburbs.

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Also, use this website to search for your train route in English!

Tokyo Transfer Guide

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Let me introduce to you here the basics of train systems in and around Tokyo.

Q. How many lines are there in Tokyo?

Q. How do I take the trains?

Q. What are SUICA and PASMO cards?

Q. Do I need to buy tickets everytime I change the lines?

Q. Do I need to change trains everytime I change the lines?

Q. Do they have discounts for frequent users?

Q. Are tickets for long-distance trains different from regular tickets?

English links about trains


Q.How many lines are there in Tokyo?

In Tokyo, there are roughly 3 types of train lines to make things easier:

JR lines (Japan Railway)

Lines operated by Japan Railway Group (in Tokyo, East Japan Railway Co. Ltd.).  It used be one of the governmental sectors, but has been privatised to become one of the largest railway companies in Japan. These lines include: JR Chuo Line, JR Yamanote Line, JR Tokaido Line, and the famous Shinkansens (the bullet trains).

private lines ("Shitetsu")

The major lines operated by private companies other than the JR, including Seibu, Keio, Odakyu, or Tobu

subway lines

There are two subway operators in Tokyo; Tokyo Metro and Toei (Tokyo Metropolitan Government Tranportations Bureau).

The JR has the lines for middle or long distance, which leads to the suburbs, neighbouring prefectures, and eventually to the other parts of Japan.

Other private railway lines (or so-called "Shitetsu") run on areas without JR lines, to connect their terminals in downtown with suburbs.

Subway lines run within downtown area of Tokyo, especially inside the loop-shaped JR Yamanote line. Some of them have direct service that go through JR and private lines.

Here's the map for train lines in and around Tokyo. (some smaller stations are not shown in this map)


Q.How do I take the trains?

Just as trains in other countries, you'll take four steps: A. Buy tickets, B. Pass the ticket gate, C. Take trains, D. Exit the ticket gate. Here, I'll explain to you the every step of your way.

1. Check the route you'll take and the amount of fare you need to pay.

 Unfortunately, there are a very few route maps or fare charts, or even time tables written in English in many stations. And all most no staffs  there speak English. So, you should check these pieces of information before leaving.

 Use this site to check for your route and fare. It's a train search engine in English. (For other areas of Japan, use this site.)

 Also, you'll need a route map to look for: (JR, subways, all major lines & operators).

2. Buy tickets (If you have SUICA or PASMO cards with enough fare stored, skip to the next step)

 At the station, use ticket vending machines to buy your ticket.

 First, look for the button or sign saying "English". As for the machines with electronic screen, the button may be on the edge of the screen. Then, the buttons and signs on the machine will turn into English.

 Second, choose the fare you need to pay. You may be unable to pay all the way to your destination. Try to choose the station as far as you can on the same operator  (railway company) on the way. Or, try pressing "Transfer Tickets" to look for your the lines you're changing to.

 Third, toss coins and/or insert the bills. The ticket will come out with your change.

 For SUICA/PASMO card users (explained below), if you're not sure whether you have enough fare recorded in your card or not, press "English" and  then press either "Charge" or "PASMO" on the ticket vending machine. Then, insert your card. The amount of your fare will appear on the  screen. To add the fare, choose the amount. To finish, press red cancel button.

3. Look at the signs, and go to your platform

 Many signs on the walls or the ceiling have English translation on them. Look carefully to find the right platform.

 Directions of the trains are usually written as "For XX (station name)". Look at the route map, and see if the train coming to the platform  goes to your direction.

 At platforms, there should be some bulletin boards that tell you the departure time and the destination of the trains approaching. The signs  should turn Japanese and English from time to time.

 Some lines have more than one type of trains, such as Rapid, Express, or Local. Trains other than Local may skip some stations on the way,  so check for the fastest train that stops at your desination. You can also change to Local train after taking faster trains on your way.

4. On the train

 Some trains have English public announcement, or bulletin boards with English message (usually above the doors). If not, look at your route  map, or look at the signs on the station platform through the window to know where you are.

 As for manners on the train, stand clear of the doors if you could not find any seats. If you have to stand close to the doors, get out of the  train once to let people exit the door to the stations. Sit close to each other so that more people can take seats. Eating and drinking on the  train are usually considered rude.

 Also, try to give away seats to old people or people in need of priority seats. Some cars on some lines will become for ladies only on rush  hours.

5. After getting off

 If you're changing to other lines, look for the signs to find the right platform. If you're also changing the operators, you need to go through  designated "transfer gates" or go through exit once.

 If it's your destination, then look for the exit. If there are a few exits, there should also be maps or lists of neibouring places that tell you the right exit.

 At many exits, ticket adjusting machines are near the ticket gates. If you haven't paid enough to get off at the station, use the machines to adjust the fare.  At exits without adjusting machines, or when you get an error at the gates even though you have paid enough, go to the desk with staffs inside to ask for help. This list might be helpful to communicate with them


Q.What are SUICA and PASMO?

These are the types of pre-paid fare cards available in the Kanto region (in and around Tokyo).

You can store the fare for the amount of \1,000 to \20,000 in these plastic cards, and use as many times as you wish until you use up the amount. Once you used it up, restore the fare in the same card.

SUICA and PASMO work roughly the same, and both can be used on all most all train & subway lines, buses, and in some shops in the Kanto region. But there are slight differences between them:

 SUICA: Sold and managed by the JR. It can be used not only in the Kanto region, but also on the JR lines in other areas: for example, Sendai, Niigata, Hokkaido (Sapporo), Kansai (Osaka, Kyoto), Hiroshima.

 PASMO: Sold and managed by the group of private railways & subways. It can be used only in the Kanto region.

So, if you'd like to use it in other parts of Japan, SUICA is the right choice. It's available only at the JR stations.

If you only use it in Tokyo and its neighbours, you can choose from the two. PASMO is only available at stations for private railways.

Notice: If you'd like to print a commuter pass (or "Teiki-ken", explained below) on your card, get SUICA for JR lines, or PASMO for private lines. If you'd like to use some mobile phones as a pre-paid card("Mobile SUICA"), get a SUICA.

How to get a card: Use designated ticket vending machines (blue machines at JR stations(SUICA), all most any machines at private railways(PASMO)).  1. Press "English" on the machines (and "PASMO" at private railways & subways),  2. Choose from: My SUICA/Personal User PASMO with your name printed on the card, or SUICA/General User PASMO without your name on it,  3. Choose the amount of fare to add into your card (including \500 deposit: to be paid back when you return your card to the stations),  4. Insert bills or toss coins.

How to restore the fare into your card ("Charge"): Use ticket vending machines. 1. Press "English", 2. Press "Charge" at JR stations or "PASMO" at private railways & subways, 3. Insert your card, 4. Choose the amount of fare, 5. Insert bills or toss coins.

How to use the card at ticket gates: Place your card on a blue lighted panel on the gates for one second.  If the panel turns red, that means you have some errors. Try placing it once more, and if it turns red again, ask the station staffs for help.  Possible problems are: you don't have enough fare in your card, or you haven't placed your card correctly at the gates of other stations.

How to return your card to the railway: When you're not going to use the card anymore, return it to the station (or, if you're coming back to Japan sometime in the future, take it with you).  You can return SUICA to JR stations, and PASMO to private railways & subways.  They'll pay you back the deposit (\500) and the fare left in your card.  Charges may apply.


Q. Do I need to buy tickets everytime I change the lines?

The answer is NO. You'll usually need to buy tickets everytime you change the operators (railway companies).

For example, you can buy a ticket easily through several lines operated by the JR, but may need to buy another when changing to lines operated by Seibu Railway.

You can buy a ticket through two operators by buying Transfer Tickets ("Norikae-Kippu"). At the ticket vending machines, press "English" on the screen, and then press "Transfer Tickets".

But if you don't want to buy tickets everytime changing the operators, buy SUICA or PASMO cards.  These pre-paid cards with computer chips inside can be used for almost any lines and operators in and around Tokyo. All you need to do is to add fares (\1,000 to \20,000) at ticket vending machines, and pass the ticket gates by placing it on the reading panel. When you used up the fares, just add it again to use more (for more, read here or go to these websites: SUICA, PASMO).


Q. Do I need to change trains everytime I change the lines?

Not always. Some trains go through several lines for passengers' convenience.

For example, some Keio Line trains go through Toei-Shinjuku subway line, and some JR-Chuo Line trains go through Tokyo Metro-Tozai subway line.

To know if the train is going through other lines, check the destination of the train. If it's going to the station on the different line, it means it's going to change the lines somewhere.

Or, to look for the best route or to check the fare for your destination, use this site in English.


Q. Do they have discounts for frequent users?

If you leave from the same station to go to the same destination frequently, yes.  Typical discount tickets for the frequent users are: "Teiki-Ken" and "Kaisu-Ken".


If you take trains almost everyday (to your office or to your school, for example), then this is the right choice.

"Teiki-Ken" is a rail pass that can be re-used for a certain period, within the certain route. You can choose the period from a month, 3 months, or 6 months, and it has the highest discount rate of all services.  You can use this pass as many times as you wish in the period you choose, and you can take trains or get off at any stations within the route.

There are two types: "Tsuukin" for adults, "Tsuugaku" for students (including college students). The latter has the higher discount rate.

Adult passes are available at staff desks at many stations, and designated ticket vending machines at some stations.  As for students, only available at staff desks since you need to show them an ID that proves you're a student.

When you buy, you'll choose the both ends of the route, and the lines you take..  Of course, you can use it on the way back, or when you get off at other stations within the route. You can go through several lines and operators to buy it as one pass.

The pass can be purchased separately as a ticket (bigger than the regular tickets), or can be printed on SUICA or PASMO cards.

When you get off at the station that is out of the route you choosed, you'll need to pay extra fare from the closest station within the route.


If you use once a week or more but not almost everyday, this is the right choice.

"Kaisu-Ken" is a set of 11 to 14 tickets for the certain route. It's available for 3 months, and sold as 10 times of the regular fare.

You can get it at most of the ticket vending machines. Select the station you're leaving and the station you're getting off.  Use one ticket every time just like a regular ticket.

JR lines and subways only sell sets of 11 tickets, but as for private lines, you can also choose:  sets of 12 tickets (available through 11am-16pm on weekdays, anytime on weekends and holidays), sets of 14 tickets (available only on weekends and holidays).

You cannot buy it as one set through different operators. If you use several railways to your destination, you need to buy it respectively at each operator.


Q. Are long-distance tickets different from regular ones?

If you use toll-express, yes.  You'll need two types of tickets to take long-distance express trains (including the Shinkansen).

One of them is called "Jyosya-Ken", which includes the regular fare.  The second one is called "Tokkyu-Ken", which includes service fares for long-distance exppresses.

Both are available at designated station desks and ticket vending machines.  Of course, they're only available at stations of operator that runs the express. For example, the Shinkansen tickets are only availble at the JR stations.  As for the JR, the staff desks with green sign (Midori-No-Madoguchi) are the places to buy.

Or, you can buy it online on operators' websites (For example: JR).

When getting "Jyosya-Ken" for the regular fare, choose the closest station of the operator that runs the express. For example, when you leave Mitaka to take Shinkansen at Tokyo, buy it from Mitaka. You cannot choose the stations of other operators.

"Tokkyu-Ken" for service fares only applies from the station where you take the express (in the example, you'll buy it from Tokyo). Choose from Reserved Seats or Non-Reserved Seats.

As for the JR, they have discount for passengers leaving from, or arriving at Tokyo Downtown area.  If you leave from/go to station inside the designated metropolitan area using the JR conventional trains, you don't need to pay the fare within the area.  For example, if you leave from Shinjuku to take the Shinkansen at Tokyo, you don't need to pay between Shinjuku and Tokyo since Shinjuku is in the downtown area.  Or, if you're leaving from Mitaka, you're only paying from Mitaka to the edge of downtown area (Nishi-Ogikubo).  About the downtown area, click here.

Or, get JR's "Rail Pass", the discount tickets available only for people from overseas. (more)


English links on trains

Japan Railways Group

JR Hokkaido, JR East, JR Tokai, JR West, JR Shikoku, JR Kyusyu

East Japan Railway (JR East)

Kanto region (Tokyo, Chiba, Yokohama, Saitama, Narita Airport etc.), Tohoku region (Sendai, Aomori, etc.), Hokuriku region (Niigata, etc.)

Central Japan Railway (JR Tokai)

Chubu region (Nagoya, etc.)

West Japan Railway (JR West)

Kansai region (Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, etc.), Chugoku region (Hiroshima, etc.)

Tokyo Metro

subway operator in Tokyo

Toei (Tokyo Met. Gov. Transportation Bureau)

subway operator in Tokyo

Tokyo Monorail

Hamamatsucho-Haneda Airport

Seibu Railway

northwestern Tokyo, Saitama (Tokorozawa, Hannoh, Chichibu, etc.)

Keio Railway

central-western Tokyo (Fuchu, Chofu, Keio-Hachioji, Takaosanguchi, etc.)

Odakyu Railway

central-western Tokyo, Kanagawa (Noborito, Ebina, Atsugi, Katase-Enoshima, etc.)

Tokyu Railway

southwestern Tokyo, Kanagawa (Jiyugaoka, Musashi-kosugi, Chuorinkan, Yokohama, etc.)

Tobu Railway

northeastern Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba (Kasukabe, Kawagoe, Kashiwa, Nikko, etc.)

Keihin Kyuko Railway (Keikyu)

southern Tokyo, Kanagawa (Haneda Airport, Kamata, Keikyu-Kawasaki, Yokohama, etc.)

Keisei Railway

eastern Tokyo, Chiba (Narita Airport, Keisei-Tsudanuma, Chiba-Chuo, etc.)

Tokyo Transfer Guide

train route search engine for in and around Tokyo


train route search engine for all of Japan

Downtown Area Route Map

JR and subway lines in downtown.

Metropolitan Area Route Map 1

JR, subway, private lines in and around Tokyo. (major stations only)

Metropolitan Area Route Map 2

Metropolitan Area Route Map 3

JR, subway, private lines in and around Tokyo. (all stations)

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