The water of a river or a lake, sea water, etc. are indispensable for us. A country and a local self-governing body are going to enact law and regulations, and are going to prevent contamination.

Measure of Japan

Law used as the foundations of a measure

◆The water quality pollution prevention method

This law was made with the fact not to be enough in the law ( the water quality preservation method " " the factory drainage regulation method メ) to the pollution that was made of Japan for the first time.

Then, 1970, water quality pollution prevention methods were established. The main contents are

○It decides the standard of the drainage:

It makes a discharge standard clear as if to do " is it violation if which material is how much contained in the drainage? ".

Surveillance is strengthened.:

It inspects regularly about the factory and the office where there is a fear to discharge contamination matter and so on, too.

○It punishes an offender:

It recommends improvement about ・ of raw material, the way of producing and the way of being purged away and so on and it does punishment such as the payment and the arrest of drainage's stop and the fine.


<International measure>

Contamination surpasses the border.

Since sea pollution was not the problem of one country, international cooperation was advanced from early again. In accordance with this, the measure against sea pollution in each country has been fixed. About the oil from a vessel, regulation has been tightened up every now and then.

Sea pollution which does damage to living thing resources and marine resources, spoils the comfortable environment of the ocean, and bars just use of the ocean. The background has an advance of the sea pollution accompanying development of remarkable industrial activity in recent years rapid and over a very wide area.

In the "U.N. Conference on Human Environment" held in Stockholm in Sweden in 1972, it was called for that all possible measures are taken to such contamination. Simultaneously, the regulation promotion by the treaty for prevention of sea pollution etc. was advised to the government of each country, and the related U.N. organization. For this reason, also internationally, fullness-ization of the measure will be needed.

A sea pollution substance is always built ashore!

◆"treaty about prevention of sea pollution by abandonment of thing of waste and others"

It is the law which regulates the sea dumping ,the main causes of sea pollution, of the waste generated on land which is the treaty adopted in.1972.

◆"Protocol in 1978 about the international treaty for prevention of contamination by the vessel in 1973"

It is the treaty which regulates oil from a vessel, a detrimental liquid substance, discharge of waste, etc. which were adopted in 1978.