<About the U.N. Conference on Human Environment (UNCHE)>
1972 were a year an environmental problem began to be recognized to be at the international place. Club of Rome which this year, the scientist in the world, an economist, etc. organize took out the report "the limit of growth." If the increase in population, environmental aggravation, etc. continue, this report that sounded the alarm bell that the growth on the earth will reach a limit within 100 years from now on is what showed the necessity for the big turn "balance global from growth", and can be called starting point which discusses global environment problems.

As a large-scale international conference which it was held from June 5, 1972 in Stockholm in Sweden, and the United Nations performed for the environmental problem at large, it is the first. It is the problem of the environmental hygiene closely connected with the view of environmental destruction centering on the advanced nation accompanying the economic development of 1950 to the 60s, and the "spacecraft earth number" brought into the limelight from these days, and the poverty in a developing country to have become the background of this meeting. The U.N. Conference on Human Environment showed clearly [ problem / environmental / in an industrialized nation ] that promotion of development and reinforcement of assistance are important in this meeting again about the environmental problem / in / a developing country / in the conversion to environmental protection from economic growth ] by making "the irreplaceable earth" into a catchphrase. Moreover, while adopting the "Declaration on Human Environment", establishment of the United Nations Environment Program was begun and many resolutions and treaties were concluded.

By the Declaration on Human Environment, an environmental problem is a threat to human beings, and it should tackle internationally.

It is declared as things It is the time when each country tackled the measure at and ministries and government offices which deal with an environmental problem specially, such as the Environment Agency of our country, were established to the pollution problem generated in the advanced nation in the 1960s. At the meeting, the "Declaration on Human Environment" holding up principles, such as fundamental rights which live in a healthy environment, and responsibility which preserves environment, was adopted. Moreover, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) was established as an organization for dealing with an environmental problem specially in the United Nations ignited by this meeting.