i-mode New Content Proposal Outline

Company Name :
Application Date :
Version :

Table of Content


Company Introduction

Market Analysis

Service Description

Subscription Fee

Service Infrastructure

Service Promotion Plan

Customer Service

Trouble Shooting


All ICPs intending to register their contents on the official "i-mode" menu should follow the content criteria described in document "Official i-mode Menu Contents Criteria" released by KGT i-mode. Fulfillment of the criteria guidelines does not in itself assure that nominated content proposals will be approved to register on KGT official i-mode menu.
KGT i-mode has exclusive right to evaluate nominated content proposals and judge whether such contents could be registered on KGT official i-mode menu.
KGT i-mode won't start to review new content proposal until complete service information & detailed access flow are submitted.
Being one of attachments of ISP Agreement, the final content site for launching should be as consistent with this "New Content Proposal" as possible.

Company Introduction

Core Business
Share Holder
Alliance Partnership
Current Web Site URL
Other Information

Market Analysis

Target User Group (e.g. 15-22 Young generation)

User Benefit

Competitor Comparison
ICP Advantage
Content Competition Comparison
(e.g. Comparison among similar contents )

Service Description

Service Type (e.g. Ringing tone)
Service Name
Service Description
Service Functions
Service Update Plan
Original Content Source
Available Qty. in Database
(e.g. 3000 ring tones are ready)
Menu Structure
Detail Service Menu Flow
(Real Chinese Menu Flow with wording shown on i-mode Handset) or (Real English Menu Flow with wording shown on i-mode Handset for English Content) PS : It is necessary for Game CP to provide detail menu flow, wording & graphics.
Target Launch Date
Service Roadmap in 1~2 Years
(GIF)/ (Midi)
It is necessary for Graphic/ Ringing tone CP to provide the real demo files (GIF/Midi format) separately.

Subscription Fee

Monthly Fee (e.g. NT$20/month)
Maximum download per month
(e.g. Max. 8 ring tones/month)

Service Infrastructure

Server Architecture

Server Physical Location

Connection Quality
Connection type (e.g. T1 lease line)
Number of concurrent session type
(e.g. concurrent 100 persons on line)

Service Promotion Plan

ICP Promotion Plan

Joint Promotion Proposal

Customer Service

Customer Service Window
Customer Service Available Time
(e.g. 8:00 - 20:00)
Telephone No.
E-mail Address

Trouble Shooting

Trouble Shooting Flow

Technical Trouble Shooting Window
Telephone No.
E-mail Address