第 8 部
ゲーム解説 1:プレイヤー用文書

  1. J1:プレイするにはどの本が必要なの?
  2. J2:武器技能の「両手きき」は攻撃回数が増えるの?〈第2版)
  3. J3:毒を使うのは自動的に邪悪な行為になるのでしょうか。
  4. J4:喉を掻っ切るのはどうでしょう。他にもいろいろありますが。
  5. J5:オークはみんな生まれつき邪悪なんでしょうか。オークの赤ん坊はどうでしょう。
  6. J6: Can mages wear armor?
  7. J7:クレリックとウィザードの呪文記憶システムが好きじゃないんですよね…。
  8. J8:秩序/中立/混沌と善/中立/悪は本当は何を表しているのですか。
  9. J9:属性って本当に必要なんでしょうか。
  10. J10:パラディンは秩序にして善以外の属性でもかまわないのでしょうか。
  11. J11: What is a morning star?
  12. J12: How do Attacks of Opportunity work? (3RD)
  13. J13: Ouch! How can I avoid attacks of opportunity? (3RD)
  14. J14: When can I take a five-foot step? (3RD)
  15. J15: But medieval combat wasn't anything like the way it is in *D&D!

For Player's Eyes


技術的なことを言えば,プレイヤーとしては,まったく何もいりません。ぜんぜん。なーんにも。鉛筆と紙とダイスがあればたしかに便利でしょうが,すぐに借りられます。ルールの説明は DM か熟練プレイヤーがしてくれます。

しかし,ルールを 1 冊個人的に持っていれば,ゲームのセッション中でなくても手軽に熟読でき,重宝するでしょう。結論としては,Players Handbook を手に入れるのが賢明でしょう(なるべく,グループでプレイしているものと同じ版にしましょう)。あなたのキャラクターのクラスや種族向けの Complete Handbook を加えてもいいですし,Player's Option もおすすめですが,こういったものは絶対に必要というわけではありません。むしろ,個人的に気に入ったものだけ購入すればいいのです。このほかには,本当に必要なものはありません。TSR の広告に書いてあることなど気にせずともよいのです。しかしほとんどの人は,プレイする際に PH 以外にも 2,3 冊ほど手元においておきたがるようです。





利き腕 off-hand 利き腕 off-hand
武器 1 つで戦う場合 0 -2 0 0
武器 2 つで戦う場合※ -2 -4 -2 -2
「二刀流スタイル」で戦う場合 0 -2 0 0

※武器を2つ使う際のペナルティは,キャラクターの DEX に基づいた〈反応修正〉の値によって増減します。しかし,DEX や両手ききの修正を加えても,ペナルティは 0 より小さくなることはありません(つまり,DEX による〈反応修正〉は,ペナルティの影響を減らしこそすれ,命中率にプラス修正を加えることはないのです)。それ以外の修正は通常どおり適用します。

〈両手きき〉があっても 1 ラウンドの攻撃回数は増えません。しかし,両手に 1 つずつ武器を持っていれば,キャラクターがそのスタイルを専門化しているかどうかにかかわらず,追加攻撃が可能です。しかしこれには次のような制限があります。逆の手で扱う武器は,利き腕で扱う武器よりも小さく/軽くなくてはいけないのです(キャラクターが両手ききの場合,「逆の」腕を決めはしますが,その腕を使うにあたっては何のペナルティもなく,どの武器をどちらの手で使うのかは,自由に選べます)。だからといって,逆の手に持った武器のほうがサイズのクラスが小さくなくてはいけない,ということになるとは限りません。ただ,利き腕の武器よりも長さおよび/または重量が小さくなければならないのです。これに関しては,Players Handbook の〈装備〉のセクションに載っている表が役に立つでしょう。

ファイターが〈二刀流スタイル〉を専門化した場合は,長さの制限はありません。ですから,ファイターは両手でロングソードを振りまわすことができるのです。Complete Fighters Handbook では,武器技能を 1 つとると〈二刀流スタイル〉も獲得でき,二刀流のマイナス修正がなくなるだけでなく,長さの制限もなくなります。Skills & Powers および Combat & Tactics では,キャラクター・ポイント 1 点で〈二刀流スタイル〉を獲得できますが,二刀流でもうまく戦えるようになるだけで,違う長さの武器を使わなくてはいけないという制限は残ります。2 点目のキャラクター・ポイントを消費しないと,左右同じ長さの武器や,ダガーより大きい武器を使うことはできないのです。


キャラクターのレベル攻撃回数/ラウンド攻撃回数/ラウンド| 利き腕反対の腕
ファイター 1-6/それ以外のクラス 1/12/1| 1/11/1
ファイター 7-12 または 1-6 で専門化※ 3/25/2| 3/21/1
ファイター 13 以上 または 7-12 で専門化 2/13/1| 2/1 1/1
ファイター 13 以上で専門化 5/27/2| 5/21/1


〈両手きき〉技能も〈二刀流スタイル〉も,ラウンドあたりの攻撃回数には何の影響も及ぼしません。上の表にもありますが,利き腕に持った武器によるラウンドあたりの攻撃回数は,2 つ目の武器を使っても変わらないのです。武器を 2 つ使うと,キャラクターのレベルによらず,ラウンドあたりの攻撃が 1 回増えるだけです。たとえば,キャラクターのふだんの攻撃回数/ラウンドが 3/2 の場合,1 ラウンド目に 1 回攻撃,2 ラウンド目に 2 回攻撃し,これが交互に続きます(奇数ラウンドのほうが必ず攻撃回数が少なくなります)。このキャラクターが 2 つ目の武器を使うとしましょう。ルールによれば,キャラクターの攻撃回数/ラウンドは 5/2 になります。つまり,1 ラウンド目は利き腕と反対の腕の武器で 1 回ずつ攻撃し,2 ラウンド目は利き腕で 2 回,反対の腕で 1 回攻撃するのです。これが交互に続きます。DM の許可があれば,両手利きのキャラクターは戦闘中に「利き腕」と「反対の腕」とを入れ替えることで,手順が終わるまでに攻撃回数の多いほうの武器を変更することができます。しかし現実的には,このような「入れ替え」ができるのは攻撃手順の最後だけ——つまりラウンドあたりの攻撃回数が 2/1 か 3/1 なら各ラウンドの最後,3/2 か 5/2 なら偶数ラウンドの最後にしたほうがいいでしょう。

こんな話を聞いて「マンチキンだ!」と叫んだあなた,実はこれには基本的な制限事項があるのです。たとえば,ファイターの最初の武器技能は 4 つだけです(これにインテリジェンスによって決まる言語数が加わります)。選んだ武器に 1 つ,その武器を専門化するのに 1 つ,両手ききに 1 つ,そして二刀流スタイルに 1 つ費やすと,最初に得られるスロットは 4 つとも埋まってしまいます。もしも Combat & Tactics を使って武器技能ルールを拡張している場合,このような組み合わせを実現するには技能が 5 つ必要になります(武器技能が分けられていて,同じ大きさの武器を複数使うためには技能がもう 1 つ必要なのです)。また Skills & Powers ならば,ファイターの武器技能キャラクター・ポイントの初期値である 8 をすべて使いきることになります(武器技能,武器の専門化,二刀流スタイルの専門化,そして同サイズの武器の使用にそれぞれ 2 つずつ)。また,ファイターの非武器キャラクターポイントの初期値は平均 8 ですが,そのうち 4 を消費してしまうのです(両手ききに)。キャラクターがいわゆる《専門バカ》になってしまうのは一目瞭然です。

どれかほかの武器をペナルティなしで使おうと思ったら,インテリジェンスによって得られる言語スロットや,種族やクラスごとに割り振られるキャラクター・ポイントの余りを消費してしまうことになりますし,そうなると将来一般技能をとるためのスロットはなくなってしまいます。一般技能を何も持たないキャラクターは,戦闘以外にできることが大きく制限されます。あるいは,キャラクターは武器技能を 1 つだけにしておいて,一般技能を余分に修得することもできます。しかしそうなると,選んだ武器が使えないような状況では,プレイヤーがそれなりにうまいロールプレイをしないかぎり,キャラクターはあまりグループの役には立たないでしょう。Skills & Powers ではさらに,DM に便利な欠点がいくつか導入されています。こういった欠点を利用すれば,より多くのキャラクター・ポイントを得て,完全なキャラクターができあがるでしょう。これらの欠点は,上記の組み合わせによって得られるパワーをうまく帳消しにしてくれ,キャラクターを平均的なレベルまで抑えこむことができます。
















J6: Can mages wear armor? (2ND)

This question has been endlessly debated. First of all, if he is not casting spells, any mage can wear any armor he wants to, unless the armor in question is magic and only wearable by warriors, but that's a different story. Whether or not he gets an AC bonus from that armor is also another matter altogether.

The question arises when a mage attempts to cast spells while wearing armor. For a more in-depth survey of the rules, potential reasoning behind the rules, some house rules, and some possible ramifications of those house rules, see Joel Hahn's Mages and Armor treatise. In brief, while the core rulebooks state that wizards may not wear armor while casting spells, many players do not like this rule, both because lack of armor gets many a mage killed and because they can't think of a logical in-game reason behind the no armor while casting rule that doesn't also have some major negative or illogical ramifications (e.g. if it is because it is too constrictive, so is heavy winter clothing and that has no penalties; if metal disrupts the magical energies, then wrapping all captured mages with chains becomes standard and mages could have problems casting while standing on a metal grate, etc.; if it's because wizards aren't trained in wearing armor, then fighter/wizards belie the rule, since they have been trained in wearing armor). Here are several possible quick solutions to this situation:

  1. Create an elven fighter/mage who wears elven chainmail, as that is a method by which a mage can wear armor and cast spells at the same time under the core rules.

  2. Any and all bulky clothing hinders casting. A mage wearing anything heavier than what one would wear on an average autumn day cannot cast spells. Mages who, for some reason, are smothering beneath something along the lines of a large pile of cloth, several bodies, a trapper/lurker, etc. also cannot cast spells.

  3. If non-magical iron or steel encircles a mage and is in very close proximity to the mage, the mage is incapable of casting spells. Anything from handcuffs up to full plate armor has this effect, as would a chain wrapped once around the mage. However, being placed in a metal coffin or standing on/below a one ton block of iron would not.

  4. All mages may wear any armor, with no penalties, whatsoever.

  5. No mage may wear chain mail or better armor, due to the interference of the metal with magical energies.

  6. All mages may wear any armor, but doing so incurs a possible chance of failure. The wizard must roll percentile dice to see if the spell successfully goes off. The roll must be equal to or under 50% plus twice the armor's armor class. For example, a mage in chain mail must roll (50+(2x5))=60% or lower each time he casts a spell to see if the spell was successful. If the roll is not successful, the spell fizzles. For armors with negative AC, either the AC is doubled and subtracted from 50 to find the target number, or, since anything better than 0 is enhanced armor anyway, just use 50% as the target number.

  7. All mages may wear any armor, but wearing any mass of metal causes the mage to check to see if a wild surge occurs every time he casts a spell, due to the interference of the metal with the magical energies.

  8. Fighter-mage dual- or multi-classed characters may cast spells in armor, as they have learned to move in armor and thus can make the necessary gestures to cast spells.

  9. Elvish chain can be worn by any wizard without penalizing spell- casting at all. This may be due to either the mail's comfortability allowing easy movement or its inherent magical nature not disrupting magical energies.

  10. Mages may wear any armor, but certain rules apply. A mage in armor may only defend himself or flee, period. No spellcasting, no attacking, etc.; doing so results in a loss of xp for that playing period. Also, if the armor is magical, the armor's magic does not work if it is specifically intended for some other class.

  11. Create a mage character using the system outlined in the Skills & Powers or Spells & Magic books. The price is to not have access to some spell schools, but a mage willing to go through the trouble of accustoming himself to regularly wearing armor should be willing to put up with the sacrifice.

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長年にわたって,多くの人々がこの概念を拡張してきたので,「聖戦士」の亜種—とくにパラディンと対をなす悪の戦士—までもが含まれるようになりました。そして,さまざまな種類のアンチ=パラディンやデミ=ヒューマンのパラディンが生み出されてきました。この話題に関して引用されることが(そして探している人も)もっとも多いのは,Dragon誌の106号に掲載された記事でしょう。題名は「供給過多のパラディン(A Plethora of Paladins)」で,作者はクリストファー・ウッド(Christopher Wood)です。この記事では,属性が秩序にして善のパラディン(「真の」パラディン)と混沌にして悪のパラディン(アンチ=パラディン。Dragon誌39号とBest of Dragon vol. 2の記事で解説されています)を除いたあらゆるパラディンが載っています。この記事を探しているのだけれどDragon誌の106号が見つからないという方は,作者のページに行けば改訂版が読めます。



J11: What is a morning star?

This is a perennial question both here and on There are essentially three schools of thought on the matter:

  1. A morning star is an elongated mace
  2. A morning star is a spiked ball, no matter what it's attached to
  3. A morning star is a special type of flail, or "chain-mace"

According to TSR's Arms & Equipment Guide, p. 82, the AD&D morning star is #1 above. This is borne out by the arrangement of the Tight Groups on p. 59 of the CFH and the description of the weapon on p. 140 of C&T. (Note that this is true for 1st edition AD&D as well, as evidenced by the description of bugbears on p. 12 of the MM and the illustration of Hruggek on p. 105 of DDG.)

Sources that support this description:

Description #3 appears to have come into use in the early to mid-19th century. Many sources that use this interpretation can be apparently traced back to a German treatise on medieval weaponry written around 1850. The section on morning stars was based on an English work written around 1830, and seems to suffer from a number of mistranslations, as that page has a number of incongruities and contradictions.

Description #2 is a recent effort, constructed in an attempt to reconcile the first and third interpretations.

If you wish to use descriptions #2 or #3 in your games, that is your decision, and is something that many people have done over the years. It may not follow the rulebooks, nor necessarily history itself, but on your own campaign world, you can declare that the grass is purple and the sky is chartreuse, if that works for your world. Just be sure to label this as the way things are done IYC when discussing the weapon on the newsgroup in order to avoid flames.

For handy reference, here are brief descriptions of the various weapons of the affected types (flail and club):



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J12: How do Attacks of Opportunity work? (3RD)

Attacks of opportunity simulate what happens when a character momentarily takes his mind off of actively defending himself from an opponent in order to cast a spell, pull something out of his backpack, turn his back and flee at top speed, etc. Specifically, anyone standing near enough has a chance of whacking him while his concentration is elsewhere. One very important note for attacks of opportunity is that they are one of the few ways by which you can cause an enemy spellcaster's spells to fizzle.

All characters can potentially attack anyone within a certain range, depending on the weapon weilded. For example, most standard D&D weapons have a "threat range" of 5 feet, and most pole-arms have a threat range of between 5 and 10 feet. If an opponent in that area drops his guard, you can attempt to take advantage of that by making an attack of opportunity.

The PH lists many actions which, if done while you are in a "threatened" area, allow any opponent(s) who "threaten" that area to attempt an attack of opportunity, in addition to your normal number of attacks per round. Basic movement and casting spells are the most commonly seen of these. Note that movement only incurs attacks of opportunity as you leave a "threatened" area (especially important for pole-arms) or if you move around inside of a threatened area. Exceptions to this are discussed in the next question.

Standard characters can only attempt a single attack of opportunity per round, no matter how many opponents within range drop their guard; the Combat Reflexes feat increases this to a number of attacks equal to your Base Attack Bonus, with the exception that you can never attempt more than one attack of opportunity on any given opponent more than once per round. Also, you are not required to attempt an attack of opportunity if an opening presents itself; since most characters only get one attack of opportunity per round, you may want to save it in case a more important target gives you the opportunity later in the round.

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J13: Ouch! How can I avoid attacks of opportunity? (3RD)

There are three primary methods of avoiding attacks of opportunity.

  1. If your total distance moved in the round is five feet, then that movement does not cause you to incur attacks of opportunity. Think of this as making a small adjustment with your feet while keeping your guard up. If that five-foot step takes you into an area that is not threatened by any opponents, then you can also attempt any other actions--as long as they do not involve any movement on your part-- without any chance of incurring attacks of opportunity.

  2. If you take a "double move" action--not a run--and do nothing else that round, then the first five feet of movement do not count when checking whether or not opponents can make attacks of opportunity. (Note that, since you do not have to always move your maximum distance when you move, a double move can cover any distance from five feet up to your maximum movement distance times two.) Think of this as a fighting withdrawal; your concentration is still on your opponent(s) while you spend the entire round cautiously moving out of their reach.

  3. Certain feats and spells protect you from attacks of opportunity in certain circumstances. (The Spring Attack feat and the /shield/ spell are but two examples of these.) Likewise, if you have a certain amount of cover (such as when trying to fight around a conveniently placed tree), you are protected from attacks of opportunity.

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    J14:When can I take a five-foot step? (3RD)

    Anytime during your turn, as long as you have not, and will not physically move at all during your turn. You will not incur any attacks of opportunity for that movement, and if that step takes you outside of a threatened area, any subsequent actions on your part will not incur attacks of opportunty. Note that, even though "move-equivalent" actions count as movement for the purposes of what you can normally do in a round, they do not count as movement when determining whether or not you can take a five-foot step.

    Some DM's may make an exception to this if you are hasted or something similar--since in that case you can make an extra partial action in addition to your normal actions and movement that around--in which case, they might rule that you could take a five-foot step as part of your normal action sequence and then move as your partial action. However, this is an exception; under the standard rules, even when hasted you are limited to a total movement of five feet in one round if you want to avoid in that manner attacks of opportunity caused by movement.

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    J15: But medieval combat wasn't anything like the way it is in *D&D!

    You're right! Congratulations, kid; you win the kewpie doll. The combat system in *D&D is a gross simplification of real combat, designed to streamline the process of determining the outcome of such a situation. Many arguments about the reality of such-and-such a weapon's speed, damage, use, size, etc. are often seen on, usually based on personal observations and/or on SCA tournaments. One thing to keep in mind is that this is just a game; it is not real life. It is not meant to be extremely realistic. There are other, more detailed combat systems out there in other games, several of which take hours to determine one simple combat.

    The best thing to do, in any case, is find a system which the group prefers to use and stick with that. If the group doesn't feel like taking the time to learn a new system, then the current one still works just fine for thousands of players, especially with a few house rules to customize it to the specific campaign.

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    第 9 部に続く

    Copyright (C) 2001 by Joel A. Hahn