You can download my custom skins of WarCraft 3 for your map making. I just made skins for my hobby and I don't need any permissions for using. Hope that will become helpful on your future map. If you want to contact me, mail to [email protected]. Enjoy!


Gate Keepers 3

A simple Tower Defense type map with 4 difficulties, 8 kinds of towers including 5 upgrades, and 80 waves including 16 boss stages. To interrupt your rival keepers or defend your gate, you can use 6 special abilities instead of your mana. You get mana per killing a Vile Horde minion or getting items. Survive to win!
To download, go to, or War3 File Download Area.

Gate Keepers 2

A simple Hero Defense type map including 4 difficulties, 12 new heroes, 15 random creep waves, and 5 unique boss waves. The number of creep and strength will be changed by the number of player and difficulty. Any normal creeps will change to 'Champion' at random. Champion has a purple glow, fast movement speed, and higher life/mana regeneration rate. Have fun with friends or solo!
All custom skins in this page are using in this map. If you want to see moving heroes with custom skins, check out this map. To download, go to, or War3 File Download Area.
Directors Choice Award at War3 File Download Area


Wizard, Warlock, Mage

An old man with purple robe. This is one of my best skin. He can morph to raven form because his base model is Night Elf Druid of the Talon.
Based Unit
Texture: Druid of the Talon
Button: Druid of the Talon
File Pass in World Editor
Texture: Units\NightElf\DruidOfTheTalon\DruidottheTalon.blp
Button: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNDruidOfTheTalon.blp
Button: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNDruidOfTheTalon.blp
(Note this pass made by Blizzard includes wrong word to "DruidottheTalon")
Download Skin and Icon

Slaughterboard, Undead Swordman

A dark skeletal warrior with a sword. His base color is black and the color of fire design on his mantle will be changed by player color.
Based Unit
Texture: Proudmoore
Button: Proudmoore
File Pass in World Editor
Texture: Units\Other\Proudmoore\Proudmoore.blp
Button: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNProudMoore.blp
Button: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNProudMoore.blp
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Enchantress, Fire Witch, Human Mage

Original Jeina skin cannot change robe colors. This skin will be changed it by each player color. Also added fire design on her robe.
Based Unit
Texture: Jeina
Button: Jeina
File Pass in World Editor
Texture: Units\Human\jaina\Jaina.blp
Button: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNJaina.blp
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Avenger, High Elf Sentinel, Dark Elf

A melee fighter with moon blade and metallic blue armor. Her skin color is black such as wild beast and I like it.
Based Unit
Texture: Sentinel
Button: Huntress
File Pass in World Editor
Texture: Units\Creeps\Watcher\Watcher.blp
Button: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNHuntress.blp
Button: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNHuntress.blp
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Vampire, Death Mage

Simply changed a skin color and added fang. Also his mantle looks like a bat. This model is best used with vampire like that.
Based Unit
Texture: Blood Mage
Button: Kael
File Pass in World Editor
Texture: Textures\Hero_BloodElf.blp
Button: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNBLoodMage2.blp
Button: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNBLoodMage2.blp
Download Skin and Icon

Tempest, Puma Rider, High Elf Huntress

Simply changed a beast color to dark like Night Elf Huntress. Also archer skin color is changed to human or high elf.
Based Unit
Texture: Priestess of the Moon
Button: Priestess of the Moon
File Pass in World Editor
Texture: Units\NightElf\HeroMoonPriestess\PriestessOfTheMoon.blp
Button: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNPriestessOfTheMoon.blp
Button: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNPriestessOfTheMoon.blp
Download Skin and Icon

Barbarian, Orcish Axe Warrior

It looks like just a green Beast master. Um, nothing to say about this.
Based Unit
Texture: Beast Master
Button: Beast Master
File Pass in World Editor
Texture: Textures\BeastMaster.blp
Button: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNBeastMaster.blp
Button: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\DISBTNBeastMaster.blp
Download Skin and Icon

Assassin, Dark Elf Mage

It looks like just a blue Warden with indented mantle. Nothing to say about it.
Based Unit
Texture: Warden (Old)
File Pass in World Editor
Texture: Units\Creeps\Assassin\Assassin.blp
Download Skin and Icon


Many many special thanks to PentaPOD, webmaster of UMS Kobo. Special thanks to and War3 File Download Area. Also thank you for the people who reported me to any suggestions and bugs. Oh, and Blizzard Entertainment for this awesome game and map editor of course. :-)