IN GONDORIAOctorber/2000

My friend Uanal lives in apartment,Gondoria. It is small , durty and very very cheap. When I had no house,I was under the care of his room. This is a group picture of Gondoria's housemate. From left, Hannna(Korean), Aki(Japanese), Howan(Argentine), Erick(Taiwanese), Jyanal(Turkey), Me,Sky(Taiwanese), Uanal(Turkey), Pita(Philippine). They are all different kind of people,but they are all friendly and chivalrous. The time when I'm having conversation with them is the most important time for me in America. Especially, Jyanal, Uanal and I are greate friends. Jyanal is nice guy. He is very crazy and funny. But he is shy boy. He likes Japanese girl. So I introduced some Japanese girls, but he cannot speak very much. I don't know it is because of his language skill or his shyness. Uanal is a strong man. He is a student holding who is on a scholarship for tennis. He is a tennis player in national team,Turkey.

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