Allegiance Problem on Leafcull (所要時間15分のまたまたヘボ訳)

January 21, 2000

On the afternoon of 1/20/2000, after the January update was made, players in Leafcull immediately noticed something had gone wrong with their allegiances.

Their allegiance associations were broken or had reverted to the state they were in days or weeks ago.

No other problems seem to have occurred, and no other worlds were affected.

We immediately investigated and found what had happened.

Some time ago, a never-before-seen bug affected the Leafcull transaction log of our player database.

Unnoticed by us, this bug prevented the log from being truncated properly, so it swelled quickly to a huge size and overran its hard drive. 我々が気付かないうちに、このバグは、ログが、適切に頭部を切られるのを防ぎました、したがって、それは、巨大なサイズに速く腫れて、そのハードディスクドライブを圧迫しました。

As a result, many subsequent transactions were not recorded.

When the Leafcull server was restarted for the update, these transaction logs were used to rebuild the allegiances, but the rebuild stopped at an old state, since the latest transactions were never recorded.

Though we do character database backups, this particular kind of problem was not anticipated.

Most of the database is fine, but this part describing the allegiances is lost.

We had an option to restore the whole Leafcull character database to the most recent backup, but that would set every single player back in time:

experience points, items, locations, allegiances, gold everything would "time warp" back.
経験ポイント、アイテム、場所、忠誠、金 -- --すべてが過去へ戻ってしまいます。


So the dilemma was: したがって、板ばさみは:

Make absolutely everyone lose absolutely everything gained over a small amount of time, or let those with significant allegiance ties lose just those ties, but further back in time?

It has been an agonizing decision, but we have decided to let the allegiance associations stay broken.

However, we will be looking at everyone's level and award you the XP that it would take to re-swear to an allegiance so that you will end up not being penalized.

This will take place by next Friday.

You can choose to either reform your allegiance now, with the knowledge that the XP penalty that it takes to re-swear will be awarded back to you late next week, or wait until the XP is awarded.
XPが与えられるときまで、あなたは、あなたが再び誓うのに要しますXPの不利益が来週遅くあなたへ戻るように与えられるだろうという知識をもっています。 今の忠誠を改革するか待っていることに決めることができます。

We are eliminating the bug that made this happen in the first place.

We are revising our backup scheme to assure that if anything like this does happen again, we will lose much less data.

Doing these tasks is our top priority.

We deeply apologize to the players of Leafcull for this setback.

We know it is as if a dark sword swooped from the sky and severed many loyal bonds.

We wish we could say an evil force under the surface of Dereth did it, but regrettably, this was a much more mundane problem.

We sincerely hope that the players of Leafcull are able to re-forge their bonds to be even stronger than before.