





なお DesktopDollars を使うには、ブラウザとして Internet Explorer 4.0 またはそれ以降がインストールされていること、OSとしては、Windows 95, Window 98, Window NT 4.0 およびそれ以降が必要です。マック対応版は製作中で、これ以外のプラットフォームへの対応は、まだ検討中の段階です。




Why do you need my personal information?

This information is used to identify you as a unique member of the DesktopDollars program.

The user name and password is used to allow you access to your account information. This user name and password is used for this site only and does not relate in anyway to any other user name and password you may have.

You can make up any user name and password that you wish as long as it's not already taken by another member.

Why do you need my mailing information?

So we can mail you your ClixCard and make sure that you get paid.

Why do you need my security information?

The security information is used to retrieve your user name and password just in case you forget it or lose it.

Why do you need the referral information?

The referral id is how the site keeeps track of who has referred who. It is important to type in the person's email address, if they referred you to the site. This should only be left blank if no one referred you.

Don't worry, the email addresses you enter here will be kept secure.

Why do you need my demographic information?

Soon, we will use this information to show you banner ads that match your interests and your lifestyle. Don't worry we will never show this information to a third party in an identifying way. We may however say that we have X% of male members and X% of female members.
Personal Information:
(*) Email address: あなたの電子メールのアドレスを書きこんでください。
(*) Confirm email address: もう一度同じ電子メールのアドレスを書きこんでください。
(*) Choose a user name: ログインする時に必要な名前を書いてください。この名前は覚えておく必要があります。思いつかない時には、電子メールの@マークの前の文字を入れると忘れないでしょう。
(*) Choose a password: User Nameとともに、ログインする時に必要です。ふだん使っているパスワードを書くと忘れずにすみます。
(*) Confirm your password: もう一度同じパスワードを入れます。
(*) First name: 下の名前を記入します。 
(*) Last name: 上の姓を記入します。
Middle Initial:
(Jr., III, etc.)
Company Name:
Website Owners: Check this box for info on how to use your website to refer people.

Mailing Information:
For APO or FPO addresses, please enter APO or FPO in the City field and one of the following two-letter codes in the International State/Province field: AE for Armed Forces Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Canada; AA for Armed Forces Americas; and AP for Armed Forces Pacific. Lastly, select the "U.S. Military from the Country field.
(*) Address 1: 住所のうち、都市名から下の部分を書きます。
Address 2:
(*) City: 都市名を書きます。
(*) State/Province: 都道府県名を書きます。
(*) Zip/Postal Code: 郵便番号を書きます。
(*) Country: を選んでください。

Security Information:

(*) Birthmonth: 誕生の月を選びます。
(*) Birthday: 誕生日を選びます。
(*) Birthyear: 生まれた年を西暦で選びます。

Referral Information:

Did a friend refer you to the DesktopDollars Program?
Please enter his or her Email Address here so they will get credit.
Referrer’s Email Address:
(must include @ and .)(no apostrophes or spaces)
(Please note: although we use an automatic fill-in for the referral ID, this may not work with all email programs. If someone referred you to this site, please make sure that their email address is entered correctly in the box above.)




Start you referral network.
Please enter in two email addresses of your friends and associates, and we will send them an email telling them about this site.
Referral 1:
(must include @ and .)(no apostrophes or spaces)
Referral 2:
(must include @ and .)(no apostrophes or spaces)

Demographic Information:
(answering these optional questions can increase amount earned)

Your Industry
Favorite Sport
Travel Preferences
Internet Shopping

I am interested in :

 Entertainment  Sports & Outdoors
 Home & Family  Business
 Health  Computers & Technology
 Music  Personal Finance
 Shopping  Small Business

Yes! I want to participate in the DreamMail program for a chance to win $3000!

(*) By clicking "Join" I've agreed to the Terms and Conditions of the DesktopDollars Program. strictly prohibits the use of unsolicited mass e-mails of any kind to gain referrals. We will terminate the account of any member who uses "spamming" techniques to solicit referrals. Click here to view our Spam Policy.





Get ready to make money!! The ProfitZONE is ready for download!!You may download it here 


後からダウンロードするには、“Your Account”タブをクリックして、ログイン後、Do you need to download the ProfitZONE? Click hereClick here をクリックして、ダウンロードページにジャンプし、

Download for new members - 1.41MB



自分がどれだけ稼いだかは、“Your Account”タブをクリックして、ログインすれば見ることができます。また自分が使った時間は、金額が20ドルに達しているかどうかで判断できます。

40ドル以上を稼ぐと、“Clix Card”と呼ばれるデビッドカードが送られてきます。このカードを近くの金融機関のATM(現金自動受払機)に持っていけば、すぐに日本円で報酬を受け取ることができます。手数料は一回につき1.5ドルと、小切手に比べて安く、これも DesktopDollars の魅力の一つです。

