■Last UpDate 1999.08.03

Two Point Pictures Junior
1998.1999 A.Fukumitsu
1998.1999 T.Okitsu
[under construction]
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Whatta hell is tppj?
All we do is work, create some shit, and fly around the town. Write our scripts, shoot our FILMs, edit the damn thing and make our homemade MOVIEs. We sit around the comp face to face with the Hi-Tech world, wiggle around our mouse, make them GRAPHICs, make some tunes, create some WEBs and make some ROMs. Crack our ass, cry our tears out, eat like a pig, drink like a bum, sleep like a baby, and here we go again with our BRAND NEW DAY.
That's what we do, that's what tppj is all about.
That's what we call our
fuckin life.
VIDEO [hoe 00:05:24:17] This is what you get when you give it a head.