円形吹き出し: ERIのプロフィール

Name: ERI
Sex: girl
Hometown: Yamanashi
Job: student
Like: dog & Hip Hop music   
Dislike: rain

   I hope you like my home page!!!









Nice to meet you. My name is Eri. Are you interested in music, movies and T.V?

     I was glad heaps when I heard a song by 98・Et shop. Because I bought a CD of 98・E

Do you have a great some CDs for you? If you have, please tell me!!


<My best movies in my life>


1. PATCH ADAMS: I think this movie was enjoyed by many people. Are you one of them? This story is Love and comedies. Adams was a patient. But he has a dream that become a doctor. He passed the University and he was laughed a lot of patient. He falls in love at school. But she had accident and died. And then.

2. Annie: She is very cute!! This movie was made in 1972. Since then it was took pleasure by so many people. She grew as an orphan. Her person died with fire. But she is very strong and smart. It’s a musical. 

3. Beauty and the Beast: Bell lives in small town. She is so beautiful but she has on friends. Because she is reading all time. One day her dad went to city to sell his goods but he had accident. He visited big house at night. He met the beast there. Bell went to help her father and she met the beast too. She must stay with beast insisted of dad. She is.


<My best CDs>

1.   AQUELIAS; This is an Album. Girl is very cute! “Happy boys and girls” is one of my best!! This song will make you happy.

2.   Christmas Eve; this song is by Taturo Yamashita. I like very much. But it’s popular on Christmas season.

3.   Gekkou; this song is by chihiro onizuka. I just say NICE!!!

4.   Everything; this song is by MISIA. It is sooooooooooooooooooo nice, isn’t it? I was crying by Misia. I like to sing this song in bath. Yamatonadeshiko was nice too.



l     I introduce about my best moves & CDs. I’m glad you watch and listen some my best one. You know it already? Have a good time w/ this one. 

See you!!! Please write some massages to me.








GeoCities Japan

メイ・E/a> / コミュニティ / アベニュー / E-List / 街角広・E/a>
インフォメーションセンター / 検・E/a> / ヘ・E憔/a> / ガイドライ・E/a>