Welcome to my homepage

Hi, I'm Hiroki Michifuji. I'm from Osaka. Osaka is one of the big cities in Japan.
A thing famous for Osaka has Osaka Castle and Tsuten-kaku.
And what must not be forgotten is 'takoyaki'.
Osaka is a very good town. Now I live in Kurokami in Kumamoto City.

My hobbies are playing soccer and badminton.
Especially, I play soccer into after school almost every day.
I am looking forward to this World Cup very much.
My favorite team is England.
Since it is also aiding this time, I want the England team to do my best.
Another my pleasure is going to drink with friends.
The beer to drink is the highest after exercising.
And it is very pleasant that I consider various talks as a friend.

My reserch is control engineering.