Curriculum Vitae

Yuichi Amitani


Areas of Specialization:

Philosophy of Biology
Philosophy of Science

Areas of Competence:

History of Biology
History of Science


September 2003-
University of
British Columbia, Department of Philosophy
Major: Philosophy of Science, especially philosophy of biology

April 2001-Present (absence)

Kyoto University Graduate School of Letters (Doctoral course), Department of Philosophy and History of Science

Advisor: Soshichi Uchii, Professor

Major: Philosophy of Science, especially Philosophy of Biology

April 1998-March 2001

Kyoto University Graduate School of Letters (Master's course), Department of Philosophy and History of Science

Obtained Degree: Master of Letters (Shushi [Bungaku]), 2001

Advisor: Soshichi Uchii, Professor

Major: Philosophy of Science, especially Philosophy of Biology

April 1995-March 1998

Hiroshima University Graduate School of Social Sciences

Obtained Degree: Master of Arts (Gakujutsu), 1998

Advisor: Tetsuhiko Shinagawa, Associate Professor

Major: Philosophy, especially phenomenological study of science

April 1991-March 1995

Hiroshima University, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Division of Area Studies

Obtained Degree: Bachelor’s degree of Liberal Arts (Sogokagaku), 1995

Advisor: Kaoru Narisada, Professor

Major: Philosophy of Science

March 1991

Graduated from Momoyama High School, Kyoto, Japan


Teaching experiences

January 2004-
Teaching Assistant at the University of British Columbia

September -December 2003
Teaching Assistant at
the University of British Columbia (for a symbolic logic course [PHIL 220])
My job is marking papers.

April 2002 to March 2003
Teaching assistant at
Kyoto University (for an introductory course of philosophy of science for undergraduates)

My job is making quizzes with a professor and marking test papers.

August 1995 to March 1998

Part-time lecturer of philosophy at Hiroshima City Medical Association Nursing School, Japan




2003 “Karl Popper on the Scheme of Evolution” PHS Newsletter, no.50 (issued by the department of Philosophy and History of Science, Kyoto University, Japan)

2002 "Ernst Mayr's Biological Species Concept," Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, vol.29, No.2, pp.23-28 (Japanese)

1999 "Thinking Framework of "Species Problem," Seibutugakushi kenkyu [The Japanese Journal of the History of Biology], No.62, pp.1-6 (Japanese)


July 2003 "Natural Function and its History of Selection," Kyoto Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science, Kyoto, Japan

July 2003 "Function and Accidental Doubles," ISHPSSB 2003 meeting, Vienna, Austria

April 2003 "The Etiological Theory of Natural Functions," Creative Philosophers' Society, Nagoya, Japan

February 2003 "The Concept of Function in Evolutionary Biology," The 21st Century COE Program: PaSTA [Plurality, and Science, Technology, Art] workshop, Kyoto, Japan

June 2001 “Ernst Mayr's Biological Species Concept”, Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, Nagano, Japan


2000 Translation of Joseph Rouse “Knowledge and Power” into Japanese (the original published in 1987, Cornell University Press; co-translator, in charge of Chapters 3, 5, and 6), Tokyo, Hosei University Press.

1997 Translation of O. Hoeffe’s lecture “Zur Ethik des Atomzeitalters: Neun Thesen”into Japanese (the original lecture given at Hiroshima University in 1997. This is also in Das Zeitalter der Bombe, Herausgegeben von Michael Salewski, Muenchen 1995, S.283-298). This is contained in his book “Gendai no Jissen Tetsugaku: Rinri to Seiji” [Modern Practical Philosophy: Ethics and Politics] Tokyo, Hukosha. (This book consists of his lectures given in Japan in 1997, so this may not be published in other countries).


2001 “Ernst Mayr’s Biological Species Concept,” Master’s Thesis, Kyoto University (in Japanese)

1998 “Phenomenological Study of Science,” Master’s Thesis, Hiroshima University (in Japanese)

1995 “On Theories of Animal Systematics,” Graduate Thesis, Hiroshima University (in Japanese)

Grant, Scholarships

2003 Graduate Entrance Scholarship (from University of British Columbia)

April 2001-Present The Japan Scholarship Foundation (First Category)

April 1995-March 1997 The Japan Scholarship Foundation (First Category)

Academic Memberships

The International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB)

Japan Association for Philosophy of Science

Philosophy of Science Society, Japan

Biological Unit of the History of Science Society of

index page(Japanese/English)
Last updated:2004/01/03

(c)Yuichi Amitani