
今まで聞いた中で一番のジョークは? What is the best joke you have ever heard?
今までに読んだ本で一番よかったのは? What is the best book you have ever read?
今までで一番長く寝ないでいたのは? What is the longest you have gone without sleep?
今まで食べた中で一番変わっていたものは? What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?
今までで一番多くお金を得た(勝った)のは?or失ったのは?What is the most money you have ever won or lost?
今まで見たスポーツの中で一番エキサイトしたものは? What is the most exciting sporting event you have ever witnessed?
今までで一番よかったクリスマスプレゼントは? What is the best Christmas present you have ever received?
今までで一番のデートは? What is the best date you ever had?
今までで一番よかったボーリングのスコアは? What is the highest game you ever bowled?
今まで受けた中で一番よかったアドバイスは? 誰がしてくれたの?What is the best advice you ever received? Who gave it to you?
今まで車で出した最高速度は? What is the fastest speed you have traveled in a car?
今までで食べた中で一番めずらしい食べ物は? What is the most unusual food you have eaten?
今まで歩いた中で一番長かったのは(遠くに行ったのは)?What is the farthest you have hiked or walked?
今まで買った中で一番高かったものは? What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?
今まで結婚式で見た中で一番おもしろかったものは? What is the funniest thing you have seen at a wedding?
一日にした仕事で一番ハードだったのは? What is the hardest work you did in one day?
一番好きなワインは?       What is the best wine?
一番好きなファーストフード店は? What is the best fast food restaurant?
一番うまく料理できるものは? What is the best thing you can cook?
一番髪の毛を伸ばしたときの長さは? What is the longest you have ever had your hair?
一番髪の毛を短くしたときの長さは? What is the shortest you have ever had your hair?
一番恥ずかしかった瞬間は?      What is your most embarrassing moment?
一番好きなピザは?誰がそれを作ったの? What is your favorite pizza? Who makes the best pizza?
一番好きな深夜番組は? What is your favorite late night show?
一番肉体的につらかったことは? What is the hardest thing you have done physically?
一番精神的につらかったことは? What is the hardest thing you have done emotionally?
好きな歌は? What is your favorite song?
一番心地よかった夢は? What was your most pleasant dream?
一番意味のあった旅行は? What was your most meaningful travel experience?
人生で一番よかった(悪かった)日は? What was the best(worst) day of your life?
好きな音楽は何系? What is your favorite type of music?
好きなソフトドリンクは? What is your favorite soft drink?
好きなテレビシリーズは?   What is/was your favorite TV series?
好きなスポーツは? What is your favorite sport?
好きな(好きだった)学校の科目は? What is/was your favorite subject in school?
好きなコマーシャルは? What is your favorite commercial?
好きなバスケットボールチームは?    What is your favorite pro basketball team?
好きなパイの種類は? What is your favorite kind of pie?
買い物をするのに好きな場所は? What is your favorite place to shop?
遊園地で好きな乗り物は?    What is your favorite ride at an amusement park?
男の人がアクセサリーを付ける事についてあなたの意見は?(省略)What is your opinion of men wearing jewelry such as earrings, bracelets, and necklaces?
朝の日課は? What is your morning routine?
してみたいけどした事がないものは? What is something you would like to try but haven't?
門限は? What is your curfew?
あなたのウエストのサイズは? What is your waist size?
スキーでの一番悪い経験は? What was your worst experience skiing?
恋愛関係の別れの中で一番つらかったのは? What was the hardest part of breaking up in a romantic relationship?
今までで一番ロマンチックだった旅行は? What was the most romantic trip you have ever made?
子供の頃お気に入りだったおもちゃは? What was your favorite childhood toy?
あなたのラッキーナンバーは? What is your lucky number?
学校での忘れられない経験は? What is/was your most memorable experience in school?
最後に読んだ本は?or読んでいる本は? What is the last book you have read or are reading?
あなたの理想の体重は? What is your ideal weight?
コーヒーには何を入れる?    What do you take in your coffee?
家で誰にも見られないとき何を着てる? What do you wear around the house when no one can see you?
大晦日はいつも何をしている? What do you usually do on New Year's Eve?
ピアスしている男の子をどう思う? What do you think of boys with pierced ears?
恐竜が死んだ原因は何だと思う?  What do you think caused the dinosaurs to die?
誕生日には何がしたい?   What do you like to do on your birthday?
自分自身でどこが一番好き? What do you like best about yourself?
クリスマスの靴下の中に何を望む?    What do you hope for in your Christmas stocking?
休みの日にはだいたい何してる? What do you usually do on your day off?
小さい頃何になりたかった?    What did you want to be when you were little?
ランチは何がいい?  What would you like for lunch?
セクハラにあったら何をする?何をした? What would you do or have done if you were sexually harassed?
最後の食事だったら何をリクエストする? What would you request for a last meal?
1,000,000ドルあったら何をする? What would you do with $1,000,000?
10代の妊娠を減らす為に何をする? What would you do to decrease teenage pregnancies?
どんな音楽が好き? What kind of music do you like?
どんなお酒が好き?  What kind of drinks do you like?
休暇にどんなおみやげを買う?  What kind of souvenirs do you buy on vacation?
どんなステレオを持ってる? What kind of stereo do you have?
義理の親戚とどんなつきあいがある? What kind of relationship do you have with your in-laws?
好きな航空会社は? What airline do you prefer to fly?
どんな動物と過ごしたい? What animal would you like to be?
どんなアレルギーを持ってる? What allergies do you have?
どんな悪い癖を取り除きたい? What bad habit would you like to get rid of?
自分の体のどこが一番好き? What body part of yourself do you like best?
自分の体のどこが一番嫌い? What body part of yourself do you hate the most?
目の色は何色だったらよかった? What color do you wish your eyes were?
どんな国に行ってみたい?     What country would you like to visit?
どんな外国語を話してみたいですか? What foreign language would you like to speak?
どんな有名人に会ったことある? What famous person have you met?
どんな境遇で?           What were the circumstances?
異性があなたを最初に引きつけるものは? What first attracts you about a member of the opposite sex?
どんなフルーツが好き?       What fruit do you prefer?
どんな国に行ったことある? What foreign countries have you visited?
一番長くつきあっている友達は? What friend have you known the longest?
ダイエットのときどんな食べ物でごまかす? What food do you cheat with when on a diet?
あなたが怒ったときどうなる(何が起こる)? What happens when you get mad?
どんな病気があなたにとって一番こわい? What illness do you fear most for yourself?
あなたを泣かせるものは?) What makes you cry?
あなたを優しくさせるものは?) What makes you sweat?
どんな楽器を演奏できる? What musical instrument can you play?
家族の中で一番長く住んでいる人は? What person in your family has lived the longest?
あなたの先祖はどこから来た? What part of the world are your ancestors from?
新聞のどの部分から読み始める?   What part of the newspaper do you read first?
よく付ける香水またはコロンは? What perfume or cologne do you wear most often?
体のどの部分をマッサージしてもらいたい? What part of your body do you like to have massaged?
政治上の問題で何が一番危ないと思う? What political problem do you think is the most dangerous?
どこのラジオ局を一番よく聞く? What radio station do you listen to most often?
親と一番激しく喧嘩した原因は? What subject is most fought over with parents?
週末は何時に寝るの?平日は? What time do you go to bed on weekends? Weekdays?
どんな才能があったらいい? What talent do you wish you had?
どんな天災が一番怖い?地震? 竜巻?ハリケーン?洪水?What type of disaster do you fear the most: earthquake, tornado, hurricane, flood?
経済学上の問題で一番危険なのは? What world economic problem is most critical?
道で誰かとすれ違うときどんな(言い方の)挨拶をする? What phrase do you use to greet them when passing someone on the street?
自分で料理をするとき、どんな食べ物が一番いい? What is your favorite food when you cook for yourself?

UFO信じる? Do you believe in UFOs?
エルビスプレスリーがまだ生きてるって信じる?Do you believe Elvis is still alive?
ゴーストを信じる? Do you believe in ghosts?
運を信じる? Do you believe in luck?
魔法使いが本当にいると信じる? Do you believe there are really witches and warlocks?
本物か作り物のクリスマスツリーを買う? Do you buy a real or fake Christmas tree?
ペットにクリスマスプレゼントを買う? Do you buy your pets Christmas presents?
自分を魅力的だと思う? Do you consider yourself attractive?
結婚式で泣く? Do you cry at weddings?
何か集めているものは?それは何? Do you collect anything? What is it?
カラーで夢を見る? Do you dream in color?
よく空想にふける?何について? Do you day dream a lot? About what?
生きるために食べる?食べるために生きる?Do you eat to live or live to eat?
規則的に運動する?どんな?どれくらいの間隔で? Do you exercise regularly? What kind and how often?
開運のために元旦に黒豆を食べる? Do you eat black-eyed peas on New Year's day for good luck?
ダイエットフードを食べる?or飲む? Do you eat or drink diet foods?
恋に落ちやすい? Do you fall in love easily?
船に酔いやすい?一番最後に酔ったのは? Do you get seasick easily? When is the last time you got sick on the water?
両親とうまくやってる? Do you get along with your parents?
留守番電話にメッセージを入れる? Do you hang up on answering machines or leave a message?
せっかち?or おっとり? Do you have a quick or slow temper?
家族の中に厄介者はいる? Do you have a black sheep in your family?
友達に秘密にしていることある? Do you have a secret "thing" for a friend?
ニックネームある?どうやってついた? Do you have a nickname? How did you get it?
全部本当の歯? Do you have all your real teeth?
時々使う別名はある? Do you have an alias that you sometimes use?
自分のホームページ持ってる? Do you have your own 'home page'?
入れ墨ある?or したい? どんな? Do you have a tattoo or would you have one? What kind?
異性の友達はいる? Do you have "friends" of the opposite sex?
特許を持ってる?何のための? Do you hold any patents? For what?
誰かへの恨みもってる? Do you hold a grudge against anyone?
目を閉じてor開けてキスする? Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed?
ペットを自分のベットで寝かせる? Do you let pets sleep in your bed?
巻き毛?or直毛? Do you like curly or straight hair?
うわさ話好き?それを広げる? Do you like gossip? Do you spread it?
免許証の写真気に入ってる? Do you like your drivers license picture?
お金がかかったビンゴするの好き? Do you like to play bingo for money?
ジェットコースター好き?or他の怖い乗り物?Do you like roller coasters or other scary rides?
会話では聞き手or喋り手? Do you listen most or talk most in conversations?
よく笑う? Do you laugh a lot?
鼻をかんだ後ハンカチの中を覗く? Do you look in your handkerchief after you blow your nose? What are you looking for?
(お正月)今年の抱負を決めて守る? Do you make and keep New Year's resolutions?
記憶力いい?or悪い? Do you memorize things easily or do you have difficulty?
簡単に友達ができる? Do you make friends easily?
日記を付けている?or付けたことある? Do you or have you ever kept a diary?
誰も見てないとき鼻くそほじる? Do you pick your nose when no one is looking?
金のジュエリーor銀どっちのが好き? Do you prefer gold or silver jewelry?
ドラマとコメディーどっちのが好き? Do you prefer drama or comedy?
眼鏡とコンタクトどっちのがいい? Do you prefer glasses or contacts?
シャワーとお風呂どっちのがいい? Do you prefer showers or baths?
カジュアルの洋服とドレスアップどっちが好き?Do you prefer casual clothes or dressing up?
ペンで書くのと鉛筆で書くのどっちがいい?Do you prefer to write in pen or pencil?
友達と表面上で話すのと本当に心を開いて話すのとどっちがいい? Do you prefer to talk to your friends superficially or really get to know their heart?
スポーツは見るのと参加するのどっちがいい?Do you prefer to watch or participate in sports?
田舎と都会どっちがいい? Do you prefer country or city living?
雑誌は読む?or絵(写真)を見るだけ? Do you read magazines or just look at the pictures?
負け犬を応援する?orお気に入り? Do you root for the underdog or the favorite?
シャワーかお風呂で歌う? Do you sing in the shower or the bath?
よく”ごめんなさい”を言う? Do you say "I'm sorry" very often?
いびきかく?どうやってわかったの? Do you snore? How do you know?
寝言いう? Do you talk in your sleep?
パントマイムっておもしろいと思う? Do you think mimes are funny?
自分でファッションセンスがあると思う? Do you think you have good fashion sense?
女の子がデートに誘うのって間違ってる? Do you think girls asking out boys is wrong?
コンピューターは世界にとっていいと思う?悪いと思う?Do you think computers are good or bad for the world?
この世の終わりは近いと思う? Do you think the end of the world is near?
政府がUFOの存在を隠していると思う? Do you think the government is covering up the presence of UFOs?
核戦争が起きると思う?どこで? Do you think we will have a nuclear war? Between which countries?
私たちは税金を払いすぎだと思う? Do you think we are paying too much in taxes?
自分で常識あると思う? Do you think you have common sense?
自分の前世があったと思う? Do you think you have had a previous life?
デオドラントスプレー使ってる? Do you use spray deodorant?
休日は家にいる?orどっか行く? Do you usually stay home or travel on the holidays?
髪が薄くなるのが心配? Do you worry about going bald?
仕事を続けるのに心配がある? Do you worry about keeping your job?
昔のgirlfriend(or boyfriend )がどうしてるか気になる?Do you wonder what happened to old boy friends or girl friends?
国会議員に手紙を書く人? 返事来た? Do you write letters to Congressmen? Do you get answers?
シートベルトはいつもする Do you wear seatbelts all the time?
人になまりがあるっていわれる? Do people tell you that you have an accent?
学校の生物でかえるの解剖やった? Did you dissect a frog in school biology?
運転免許は一発で受かった? Did you get your driver's license on the first try?
子どものころ何度も読んだ本はある? Did you have a book as a child that you read over and over?
ラジオにリクエストしたことある? Did you ever call in a request to the radio?
子どもの頃家出したことある? Did you ever run away from home as a child?
いたずら電話したことある?orしてる? Did you or do you make prank phone calls?
子どもの頃ぬいぐるみと寝た? Did you sleep with a stuffed animal as a child?
高校の卒業式で面白いことあった? Did anything funny happen at your high school graduation?
お金は幸せを買う? Does money buy happiness?
あなたの家にあなたもする「言い伝え」はある? Does your family have any traditional things that you do?

昇給をお願いしたことある? Have you ever asked for a raise?
裁判で証言したことある? Have you ever been a witness in court? For what?
逮捕されたことある?事情は何? Have you ever been arrested?
公共の場で裸になったことある? Have you ever been nude in a public place?
友達に裏切られたことある? Have you ever been betrayed by a friend?
騙されたことある?     Have you ever been robbed?
催眠術にかかったことある? Have you ever been hypnotized? What happened under hypnosis?
救急車に乗ったことある? Have you ever been in an ambulance? For what?
ノックアウトされたことある? Have you ever been knocked out?
テレビに出たことある?なんで? Have you ever been on TV? Why?
占い師のところに行ったことある? Have you ever been to a fortune teller? If so, what did they tell you?
裸で泳ぐビーチに行ったことある? Have you ever been to a nude beach? Why did you go?
何かを借りて返すのを忘れたことはある? Have you ever borrowed something and then forgotten to bring it back?
何かを買ってからお金が足りないのに気づいたことある? Have you ever bought something and then found out you did not have enough money to pay for it?
誰かに何かプレゼントを買って渡さずに持っている物ある?Have you ever bought a present for someone and then kept it for yourself?
誰かの名前を間違えて呼んだことある? Have you ever called someone the wrong name?
自分で髪の毛を切ったことある? Have you ever cut your own hair?
ヨガをしたことある? Have you ever done yoga? Did it help?
モデルをしたことある? Have you ever done any modeling?
トラクターを運転したことある? Have you ever driven a tractor?
誰かを騙したことある? Have you ever deceived someone? Why?
飛ぶことに夢見たことある? Have you ever dreamed you could fly?
つぶれるほど飲んだことは? Have you ever drank so much that you passed out?
それがなんだかわからないで食べたことはある? Have you ever eaten something and did not know what it was?
いいブラインドデートをしたことある?(友達の紹介などで知らない相手とするデート) Have you ever had a good blind date?
気絶したことある? Have you ever fainted?
ダンスのレッスンを受けたことある?どんな? Have you ever had dance lessons? What kind?
デジャブ(昔見たことあるような・・)の経験は? Have you ever had a deja-vu experience?
夢を分析されたことある? Have you ever had your dreams analyzed?
なにかを出版したことある? Have you ever had anything you have written published? What and where?
骨折したことある? Have you ever had broken bones? What caused it?
どこかでヒッチハイクしたことある? Have you ever hitch hiked anywhere?
年をごまかしたことある? Have you ever lied about your age?
旦那(奥さん)に嘘ついたことある? Have you ever lied to your husband or wife?
牛の乳絞りをしたことある? Have you ever milked a cow?
王室の人にあったことある? Have you ever met royalty?
オートバイを持っていたことある? Have you ever owned a motorcycle? What kind?
ヒッチハイカーを乗せたことある? Have you ever picked up a hitchhiker?
人前でソロで歌ったことある? Have you ever sung a solo in public?
人前でつまずいたことはある? Have you ever tripped in public?
嘘発見器のテストを受けたことある? Have you ever taken a polygraph test?
カジノですごい大金を得た事はある? Have you ever won a considerably large amount of money at a casino?
詩を書いたことある? Have you ever written poetry?
バンジージャンプをしたかったことある?した? Have you ever wanted to bungee jump? Have you done it?
寝ながら歩いたことある? Have you ever walked in your sleep?
劇やパフォーマンスで舞台に立ったことある? Have you appeared on stage in a play or other performance?
スカイダイビングをした事ある?orやりたい? Have you or would you skydive?
同窓会に行ったことある?or行く? Have you or will you go to your school reunion?

最後に電車に乗ったのはいつ?どこにいったの? When is the last time you rode a train? Where did you go?
いつお風呂に入る? When do you take a bath?
いつ髪の毛を洗う? When do you wash your hair?
フレンチキスをいつ知った? When did you learn to french kiss? Who was your teacher?
サンタの正体はいつわかった? When did you find out about Santa Claus?
はじめてクレジットカードを持ったのはいつ? When did you get your first credit card?
眼鏡をかけ始めたのはいつ? When did you start wearing glasses?
最後に泣いたのはいつ?何が原因? When was the last time you cried? What caused it?
初めての車でのデートはいつ??誰と? When was your first car date? With whom?
今までで一番よかった誕生日はいつ? When was the best birthday you have ever had?
一番ロマンティックなキスはいつだった? When was your first romantic kiss?
最後に健康診断を受けたのは? When was your last complete physical?

地図みれる? Can you read maps?
歌を最後まで通して歌える?何の歌? Can you sing a song all the way through? What is it?
1マイルを止まらないで走れる? Can you run a mile without stopping?
ウォータースキーできる? Can you water ski?
スキーできる? Can you snow ski?
計算を頭の中でできる?それとも計算機が必要?Can you do math in your head or do you need a calculator?
舌をカールすることできる? Can you curl your tongue?
夜、北星を見つけられる? Can you find the north star at night?
手品できる? Can you do any magic tricks?
人前で話すのは楽勝?orこわい? Can you speak in public easily or do you get scared?
スケボーできる? Can you ride a skateboard?
夢の中で自分と話すことができる? Can you talk to yourself in your dreams?
一輪車乗れる? Can you ride a unicycle?
セールボードを操れる? Can you sail a sailboat?
馬に乗れる? Can you ride a horse?

トークショーの司会者では誰が好き? Who is your favorite talk show host?
あなたが知っている一番のうそつきは誰? Who is the biggest liar you know?
あなたが覚えている一番いい先生だったのは誰?Who was the nicest teacher you remember?
しばらく会ってない人で会いたい人は誰? Who would you like to see that you haven't seen for awhile?
男と女どっちが利口? Who are smarter, men or women?
誰があなたのベストフレンド? Who is your best friend?
最初にべた惚れしたのは誰だった? Who was your first crush on?
あなたのヒーローは誰? Who is your hero?
一番すごい野球選手は誰? Who was/is the greatest baseball player?
一番かっこいい俳優は誰? Who is/was the best looking actor?
一番きれいな女優は誰? Who is/was the best looking actress?
好きなロックグループは? Who is/was your favorite rock group?
好きなコメディアンは? Who is your favorite comedian?
ケネディー大統領は誰が殺したと思う? Who do you think killed President John F. Kennedy?
イブニングニュースキャスターで誰が一番いい?Who is the best evening newscaster?
好きなアーティストは誰? Who is your favorite artist?
好きな詩人は誰? Who is your favorite poet?
あなたが知っている中で一番汚い人間って誰? Who is the most vile person you know?
一番いい洋服のデザイナーは誰? Who is the best clothes designer?
あなたに運転を教えたのは誰? Who taught you to drive?
一番悪い敵は誰? Who is your worst enemy?
あなたが知っている一番キュートな人って誰? Who is the cutest person you know?
今、一番の運動選手は誰? Who is the best athlete in the world today?
あなたが生まれたとき、大統領は誰だった? Who was president when you were born?

どこで生まれた? Where were you born?
どこで育った? Where did you grow up?
子供を大学に行かせたい? Where would you like your kids to go to college?
スキーをするにはどこが一番いい? Where is the best place to ski?
どこで昼寝する? Where do you take your afternoon naps?
リタイアしたらどこに住みたい? Where do you want to live When you retire?
loveとhate、どっちのが強い感情を抱く?Which is more powerful emotion,love or hate?
いつもどっちのガソリンを入れる? Which gasoline do you buy most often?
子供たちのしつけで、遺伝と環境どっちのが重要だと思う?Which do you think is more important in the upbringing of children, heredity or environment?
スペースシャトルに乗ってみたい? Would you like to go on the space shuttle?
先生になってみたい? Would you like to be a teacher?
年をとってみたい?or若くなってみたい?Would you like to be older or younger than you are today?
月に旅行してみたい? Would you like to take a trip to the moon?
1000年生きてみたい? Would you like to live for a 1000 years?
ボーイフレンドの為に親友を捨てる?Would you dump your best friend for a boyfriend?
ガールフレンドの為に自分を変える?Would you change yourself for a girlfriend?
もしできれば、月に住む? Would you live on the moon if you could?
子供を相手にゲームをするとき、勝たせてやるべき?Should you let them win when you play a game against a child ?
もし、誰かと地位を変えられるとしたら誰と?If you could trade places with anyone in the world who would it be?
平均的に、月にどれくらいお酒を飲む? On average, how much do you drink in a month?