Short expressions3

根性があるHe has a lot of guts.
ひねくれものHe has a twisted mind.
図々しいHe has a lot of nerve.
すけべHe has a dirty mind.
ずる賢いHe's devious.
つまんないHe's boring.
行き当たりばったりなHe's happy-go-lucky.
のんきものHe's easygoing.
心が広いHe's open minded.
心が狭いHe's narrow minded.
怒りっぽいHe's testy. / He's edgy.
おしゃべりHe's a big mouth.
人付き合いがいいHe's sociable.
いじめっ子He's a bully
だらしないHe's neat.
意地悪He's mean.
かしこいHe's bright.(smart/clever/etc...)
優しいHe's sweet.
親切He's kind.
おとなしいShe's quiet.
お嬢様She's an indoor girl.
わがままなお嬢様She's a princess.
わがままShe's selfish.
ぶりっこShe plays innocent.
純粋She's pure.
傷つきやすいShe's delicate.
傷つきやすい/感情豊かなShe's sensitive.
親しみやすいShe's friendly.
好みにうるさいShe's picky.
ヒステリーShe's hysterical.
世間知らずShe's a naive.
_______な人が好きI like _______ type of person.
_______な人は好きじゃないI don't like ________ type of person.
_______な人は嫌いI hate ________ type of person.
_______な人は好きになれないI'm not going to like _______ type of person.

彼は太っているHe's overweight.
彼はデブHe's fat.
彼は体格がいいHe's well built.
彼は筋肉質He's muscular.
彼は二重あごHe's double chinned.
彼女はスタイルがいいShe has a great figure.
彼女はぽっちゃりShe's chubby./She's plump.
彼女はやせているShe's thin./She's slender./She's wise./She's slim./She's skinny.
彼女はガリガリShe's skin and bones.
彼女はずんどうHer body has no curves.
彼女はお尻が大きいShe has a big butt.
彼女はウエストが細いShe has a small waist.
彼女はダイエット中She's on a diet.
いつもダイエットを続けられないI can't stay on a diet always.
最近おなかが出てきちゃったMy stomach isn't very flat lately.
間食しちゃダメYou souldn't snack between meals.
体重が増えたI gained weight.
体重が減ったI lost weght.
運動しなきゃI need to exercise.
彼はやせた方がいいHe should lose weight.
ふとりたいI want to gain weight.
おなかを引っ込ませたいI want my stomach to be flatter.
顔を小さくしたいI want my face to be more firm.
スタイルを崩したくないI don't want to lose my figure.
彼の体重どれくらい?How much does he weigh?

風邪ひいてるの?Do you have a cold?
風邪ひいたI caught a cold.
ちょっと風邪気味I have a bit of a cold.
寒気がするI feel chilly.
くしゃみが出たI sneezed
お大事に(相手がくしゃみした時)Bless you.
鼻風邪ひいたI got the sniffles.
熱があるI've got a fever.
高熱があるI have a high fever.
熱が高くなってきたMy temperature is getting high.
体中に汗をかいたI was sweating all over my body.
だるいI feel weak./I feel heavy./I feel sluggish.
吐き気がするI feel like throwing up.
めまいがするI feel dizzy.
その薬、効かないThe medicine dosen't work.
風邪うつさないでよDon't give me the cold!
風邪に効く薬ありますか?Do you have anything for a cold.
気分が良くなったI feel much better.
風邪が治ったI'm over my cold.
顔が青いHe's pale.

女の子にもてるでしょYou must be popular with girls.
ガールフレンドいるでしょYou must have a girl friend.
ずっと忙しいんでしょYou must have been busy.

<いろんな伝え方 (doを変化させて練習しよう)>
______したいI want to do it.
_____できますか?Can I do it?
_____してもいいですか?May I do it?
_____するつもり(未来の意思表示)I'll do it.
_____させてLet me do it.
_____できたらなぁI wish I could do it 
_____を期待してるI hope to do it.
____したいのですがI'd like to do it.
____してくれる?(相手の意思を聞く)Will you do it?
____できますか?Can you do it?
____していただけますか?Would you do it.
できれば____していただけますか?Could you do it.
____していただきたいのですがI would like you to do it.
____して頂きたいのですが(嫌ですか)?Would you mind ____ing it?
(返事の例)かまいませんよNot at all.
(返事の例)もちろん嫌じゃないですOf course not.
(返事の例)どうぞGo ahead.
いっしょに____しましょうLet's do it.
____しましょうよShall we do it.
お願いしてもいいですか?May I ask you a favor?
できたらお願いを聞いてほしいのですがCould you do me a favor?
お願いを聞いていただけますかWould you do me a favor?
____してDo it.
____しないでDon't do it.
____しなければならないYou must do it.
____しなくてはYou have to do it.
____しなくてもいい You don't have to do it.
____しなきゃ You've got to do it. (You gotta do it.) *口語的
____した方がいい You should do it.
_____しない方がいいYou souldn't do it.
_____した方がいいかもよYou might as well do it.
_____した方がいい (きつい言い方)You'd better do it.
_____しますか?Will you do it?
_____しない? Won't you do it?
_____しようよLet's do it.
_____やめようよLet's not do it.
_____しませんか?Shall we do it?
_____しない?Why don't we do it?
_____したいですか(しませんか)?Would you like to do it.
_____してはいかがですか(しませんか)? How would you like to do it.
_____するのはどう(しない)?How about doing it?

(家具付きの)2ベットルームの部屋を探しています。 I'm looking for a (furnished) two-bedroom apartment.
ここの近くがいいのですが I'd like something near here.
今 空いている部屋はありますか?  Do you have any available right now.
ちょっと部屋を見せてもらえますか?Can I take a look at it?
家賃はいくらですか?What's the rent?
管理費はいりますか?Is there a maintenance fee?
仲介手数料realtor's commission
保証金damage deposit
電気を引きたいのですがI'd like to have my lights turned on.
ガスを引きたいのですがI'd like to have my gas turned on.
ガスを止めたいのですがI'd like to have my gas turned off.
電話を引きたいのですがI'd like to have new telephone service.