



Hello Oishi-san, Hiromi & Moe-chang,

Genki desu-ka ?  Hope you are all well in Oyama.
I'm okay, doing the usual things & sometimes busy with work.
Yesterday was the last & 15th day of Chinese New Year with the full moon.
I'm actually quite tired of the continuous "
celebrations" from December until
now, so hopefully life will be back to "normal" after this.

It was nice spending some time with my parents in my hometown.
reunion was a quiet one this year because my brother & sister did not
join us. Unfortunately our Pangkor trip was not so good, mainly
due to the
the motel which was
run-down, and also some yakuza-type teenage bikers
making noise & trouble the whole night !
So we cut short the "holiday" and went home to relax.

*** had a terrifying experience 2 weeks ago, just before our New Year.
She was attacked at
knife-point, in a lift at our Condo in the morning.
The young Chinese man took her to the 18th floor & then to
the fire escape

was very scared but brave, when she tried to get his knife. During the
they both fell down about 10 steps !  Luckily she's OK except for a few
bruises but
the attacker
got cut and probably panicked when he saw himself bleeding.
She managed to
grab the knife & throw it a few floors down.
The guy then gestured to her to go and he ran off.
After calling her husband, she phoned me & we went to see Security.
The knife was later found on the 7th floor. There were blood stains at the
18th floor fire-escape landing area.
We had to make a
police report of course. Spent the whole day
at the police station, so we were very tired,
thirsty & hungry.

Anyway, they managed to catch the attacker the next day.
We had already suspected the guy earlier, who was a sub-contractor
doing renovations in an apartment on the 18th floor.
We still don't know why he attacked Mrs
***. Apparently he had taken
some drugs & didn't realize what he was doing. I don't believe his story.
What is even crazier is the way the police handled matters.
They asked Mrs Nakata to go to the police station again to
identify the
After waiting almost 2 hours, they finally lined-up a few guys in a room
and told
her to go & 'select' the right one by
touching his shoulder ! 
Isn't this terrible ?!  I'm really shocked and angry.
Imagine having to face the attacker again in the same room and
then forced to touch him. I would have protested and refused to do
such a
ridiculous thing. As if the victim hasn't suffered enough.
They should at least use numbers on the suspects, and a special room
with a 2-way mirror. We are supposed to be
in the Age of Technology !!
Mrs Nakata said she had no sunglasses to 'hide' her face, so the bad guy
glared at her. Don't you think it's awful ?
Well, that's not the end of the story. Mrs
*** may have go to court and
relive the whole nightmare. And also, the police inspector who had been
interviewing her had the cheek (rudeness) to ask if she had any single
Japanese girl-friends he could meet (because he likes Japanese girls).
I can't believe how unprofessional and insensitive the local police are.

Mr & Mrs
*** have just gone back to Fukuoka for a holiday.

Got to go now & get my dinner. Hope to hear from you soon.

Regards,  Cathy

celebrations   お祝い

reunion      再会

due to      〜のせいで

run-down    ひどい

terrifying experience おっそろしい経験

knife-point     ナイフを持った暴漢

the fire escape stairs. 非常階段  

was very scared but brave すっごく怖かったけど、勇気があった

struggle 戦う

bruises  打撲キズ

got cut   切った

bleed    血を流す

grab the knife & throw  ナイフを掴んで、投げた

police report    警察への報告

thirsty & hungry  喉がかわいて、腹も減った

What is even crazier is the way the police handled matters.


identify  証明する

suspect  容疑者

touch   接触する

Isn't this terrible ?!  これってひどくない?

ridiculous thing    おろかなこと

As if the victim hasn't suffered enough


in the Age of Technology !!    最新の技術

glared at      にらみつける

Don't you think it's awful ?   それっておっかなくない?

relive the whole nightmare     すべての悪夢を思い出す