MY Homepage

Hi ! ! Welcome to my homepage ! ! I make my nice homepage for you. Please check this ! !

My handlename is C.A

stand for Chara

Let' s talk about my profile ***

* I am a student of  Junior College and the cource is the English Department.

*My birthday is September 28th and my constellation is Libre, This constellation is often bad day in a fortune-telling. Please tell me about how to make a good day if the   fortune-telling is bad.

*My favorite food is a hamburger steak,  This is very very dericious ! !  I like firstfood hamburger,in lunch box and maked . Do you like it ? In a family restaurant, I often order a Japanese style humburg steak.

*My favorite drink is Japanese tea !! Why it ? Because I can't drink alcoholic drinks .

*My fashion policy is "simple is the best ! ”  This is very easy to do .  I like Uniquro style.

*I love dogs !!! Now I have 5 dogs in my house . They are very very cute and handsam ! ! Resently I watched a rental video which title is "Dogs & cats” .  This is very interesting for me(^_^) Which do you like dogs or cats ?

*Resentry, my job hunting have finished ! ! I got a job .I 'm very happy now . If you are getting job hunting , stand it out ! ! 

My Hobbies

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