

「Nice to meet you!」
Hello,everyone! I'm tamala.
Welcome to the first home page oftamala's works.
I buy a lot of material whenever I go to a craft shop and find good one, becouse I like making something. Now, my room is filled up with materials.So I tryed to make clothes for dog. Then it was really cute. I'm completely engrossed in making clothes for dog.

「What's tamala's works?」
tamala's works makes fashion item(clothes,accessory..etc.)for small dog.
I think, dog is a member of family and irreplaceable.
So, I make works that is only one in the world. Even if it's different size, I don't make same design.

「Top Model May」
He is May who is appearing in the top page. He is very careful with his clothes and appearance. If I tryed to undress him,he would run away. Since my friend(his owner) is a trimmer, he is trimed by her. He always looks beautiful. He is certainly a Top Model.

「I want my own dog.」
Lately, small dog-like chihuahua,dachshund,pomeranian-is booming around me. Many friends of mine became to keep a dog one after another. I also want to have a cute dog. However, to tell a truth, my family prefer cat to dog and we have a cat. So, I can't have a dog. The bottom line is that I want to have a dog and dress the dog my clothes.